- Writes trace data to the output file or stream. 向输出文件或流中写入跟踪数据。
- Type a folder in which to store the SQL trace data. 键入一个用于存储SQL跟踪数据的文件夹。
- You can collect SQL trace data during a load test to analyze later. 可以在负载测试过程中收集SQL跟踪数据,以便在日后进行分析。
- Specifies trace data options to be written to the trace output. 指定要写入跟踪输出中的跟踪数据选项。
- Dialog box, select the trace data file you want to open. 对话框中,选择要打开的跟踪数据文件。
- Values that specifies the event type of the trace data. 值之一,指定跟踪数据的事件类型。
- Optionally, select Enable file rollover and Server processes trace data. 也可以选择“启用文件滚动更新”和“服务器处理跟踪数据”。
- Writes trace data to the trace listeners in the Listeners collection. 将跟踪数据写入Listeners集合中的跟踪侦听器中。
- You can collect SQL trace data during a load test run to analyze later. 可以在负载测试运行期间收集SQL跟踪数据,以便在运行后分析中查看。
- Which causes the service that is running the trace to process trace data instead of the client application. 由正在运行跟踪的服务而不是客户端应用程序来处理跟踪数据。
- The file rollover option is enabled by default when you are saving trace data to a file. 将跟踪数据保存到文件时,默认情况下启用文件滚动选项。
- You analyze the trace data in the SQL Trace table after your load test has completed. 在完成负载测试之后,可以在“SQL跟踪”表中分析跟踪数据。
- New support for trace data filtering enables you to specify the type of information to log. 新的对跟踪数据筛选的支持使您能够指定要记录的信息的类型。
- Select the Server processes trace data check box to ensure that the server records each trace event. 选中“服务器处理跟踪数据”复选框以确保服务器记录每个跟踪事件。
- Select this option to display trace data for requests until Number of trace requests to cache is reached. 选择此选项以显示请求的跟踪数据,直至达到“要缓存的跟踪请求数”为止。
- By default, you must wait to fill the trace buffer before trace data is written to the target stream. 默认情况下,必须等待填充跟踪缓冲区后,才能将跟踪数据写入目标流。
- Collection using the specified event type, event identifier, and trace data array. 使用指定的事件类型、事件标识符和跟踪数据数组,将跟踪数据写入。
- This topic describes the format of trace data, how to view it, and approaches that use the Service Trace Viewer to troubleshoot your application. 本主题介绍跟踪数据的格式,如何查看它,以及使用服务跟踪查看器对应用程序进行故障诊断的方法。
- When the server processes trace data, no events are skipped even under stress conditions, but server performance may be affected. 在服务器处理跟踪数据时,即使是在压力较大的情况下也不会跳过事件,但是服务器性能可能会受到影响。
- If you backtrace the run trace log, Information pane gets grayed to emphasize that displayed registers are not actual but taken from the trace data. 信息面板的内容将灰化以突出显示寄存器的内容不是即时的,而是取自跟踪数据的。