- Producing poison or toxic substances. 产毒的产生毒素或有毒物质的
- Shigella is one of the most toxic substances known to man. 志贺氏杆菌是已知对人类毒性最强的病菌。
- There are more toxic substances in most households than upon the battlefield. 在大多数的居家中,拥有比战场上更多的毒素物质。
- A procedure for removing metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the bloodstream by dialysis. 血液透析,血液渗析通过渗析或透析把新陈代谢产生的废物排出血流的过程
- They may contain toxic substances which have an adverse effect on biological systems. 工业废水中含有对生物处理系统有不良影响的有毒物质。
- Section 307 required that EPA maintain a list of toxic substances and establish separate limitations for them. 第307条要求环境保护局列举出各种有毒物质,并建立对各种有毒物质的分别限制。
- Microbes can take toxic substances in contaminated soil and convert them into harmless byproducts. 微生物能从被污染的土壤中吸收有毒的物质,把它们转化成无害的副产品。
- Among the Pentagon's other concerns is that an aerial assault on a suspected biological or chemical stockpile might inadvertently release toxic substances into the air. 五角大楼的另一个顾虑是,如果对可疑的生物或化学武器储备实施空中打击,可能会在不经意间把有毒物质释放到空气中。
- The State exercises special control over the use of high toxic substances in workplaces. 国家对作业场所使用高毒物品实行特殊管理。
- This product is in compliance with the Toxic Substances Control Act's Inventory requirements. 本产品符合毒性物质控制法的全部要求。
- An algal bloom is a rapid buildup of algae that sucks oxygen out of the water while releasing toxic substances, killing marine plants and fish. 海藻盛放指海藻迅速繁殖,在这个过程中夺走水中的氧气,同时释放有毒物质,杀死海洋植物和鱼类。
- In animals this agent appears to protect brain cells from assaults by toxic substances, just as 2DG and caloric restriction do. 在实验动物身上,碘醋酸盐的作用有如2DG或者限食,似乎会保护脑细胞免受有毒物质的伤害。
- Doctors also warn us of nicotine, tar, and many other toxic substances contained in cigarettes. 医生也警告我们,香烟含有尼古丁、焦油以及许多其他有毒的物质。
- The toxic substances that humanity utilizes are large in number and prevalent all over Earth. 人类所使用的有毒物数量是巨大的,并在整个地球泛滥。
- INTECH DETER S640 is an evaporating detergent without flashpoint, free of toxic substances. INTECH DETER S640是一种无闪点的挥发性清洗剂。
- Viruses and other toxic substances are quarantined so that they do minimal damage. 病毒及其它有毒物质被隔离,以便它们制造的伤害被降低到最小。
- Doctors also warn us of nic otine,tar, and many other toxic substances contained incigarettes. 医生也警告我们 ,香烟含有尼古丁、焦油以及许多其它有毒的物质。
- The House and Senate each passed bills the next year to control toxic substances. 美众议院与参议院各自通过了明年的控制有毒物质的法案。
- TSCA(Toxic substances Control Act): The ingredients of product are all on the 8(b) Inventory List. 此产品所有原料编列于8(b)目录中.
- In animals this agent appears to protect brain cells from assaults by toxic substances, just as2 DG and caloric restriction do. 在实验动物身上,碘醋酸盐的作用有如2dg或者限食,似乎会保护脑细胞免受有毒物质的伤害。