- township government reform 乡镇政府改革
- Township government clearance in tamarind. 乡政府驻望子关。
- Cool cool Zhen Village in the township government. 清凉店镇镇政府驻清凉店村。
- Sook sook villages in the village of the township government. 淑村镇镇政府驻淑村。
- These houses used to be the offices of the township government. 这几间房子曾是乡公所的办公地点。
- Is benzilan resident township government for the Tibetan located. 是奔子栏乡政府驻地,为藏族聚居区。
- Such township governments are really models. 这样的乡政府,是真正模范的乡政府。
- We will accelerate reforms of county and township government institutions. 加快推进县乡机构等配套改革。
- Ting a high official in the rural township government officialting cun . 大官亭乡乡政府驻大官亭村。
- All Zhangweixin in Hopewell Township, the township government Zhangcun. 合漳乡乡政府驻合漳村。
- This paper rethinks the current reform of village and township government from these perspectives and concludes that the "removal and merger" reform has only achieved limited results. 以此来审视和反思当前我国的乡镇政府改革,结论是:“撤并式”乡镇政府改革效果有限。
- Reform of Township Governmental Organizations: Challenges and Countermeasures II. 乡镇机构改革挑战与对策2。
- And the government reform could open up a road for the development of the third sector in return. 而政府改革反过来又可以为第三部门的发展开辟空间道路。
- The reform of township governmental organizations will move fast as the abolishment of the Agricultural tax. 随着农业税的取消,乡镇机构的改革也加快了步伐。
- Linda Chelan Li, "The Prelude to Government Reform in China The Big Sale in Shunde" China Information, Vol. 中共顺德市委员会,顺德市的行政体制改革,环渤海经济了望,1997,(4
- The Agriculture Committee, the Appropriations Committee, the Commerce Committee,the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, the Resources Committee. 农业委员会、拨款委员会、商业委员会、政府革新委员会;资源委员会.
- Ginkgo village "Tiankeng" after the incident, the villagers reported immediately to the township government. 白果村“天坑”事件发生后,村民们立即上报乡政府。
- Government performance management (GPM) has become the hottest topic in the theory and practice field of public management as the continual government reform in China. 随着我国行政管理体制的持续改革,政府绩效管理日益成为公共管理理论界与实务界的热门话题。
- Since the reform, a new interactive relationship between township governments and rural society has gradually emerged, which is limitedly guided by the township governments. 摘要改革后,乡镇与乡村社会间逐渐形成了一种乡镇有限主导的互动关系,该关系形态从总体上讲有助于乡村社会的现代化发展。
- Part 3: Delineating the commonness of governmental reform in East Asia. 第三部分,从宏观的角度勾勒出东亚政府改革的共性。