- tow to sliver machine 丝束成条机
- Keywords top by tow to sliver convertion;bulky top;dry spinning;acrylic tow; 直接法制条;膨体毛条;干法;腈纶丝束;
- My car break down and have to is tow to a garage. 我的汽车出故障了,得拉到修理厂去。
- The truck gave him a tow to the garage. 卡车把他拖向车库。
- My car broke down and had to be towed to a garage. 我的汽车出故障了,得拉到修理厂去。
- The broken truck is towed to the garage. 破损的卡车被送到修车厂。
- She turned back inside the tower to warn them. 唐娜转过身要警告他们。
- The current production equipment is composed by flour-massage machine,skin and sliver machine,deep-fly machine, sprinkle-sugar and mix machine, planish machine and diced transport machine. 流水线设备是由和粉机、制皮切条机、油炸机、喷糖搅拌机、压平机及切块输送机等组成。
- Where would you like your vehicle towed to? 您的车要拖到哪里?
- Used for testing the sliver and roving's evenness and the structure of evenness. It's suitable to sliver and roving made of cotton, wool, synthetic fiber, jute and blending. 用来测试和分析条子和粗纱的条干不匀及条干不匀的结构特征。适用于棉,毛,化纤,麻及混纺纱条。
- Stop the car immediately, call the mechanic for repair, or tow to repair. 立刻停车并关掉引擎.;找黑手来修理
- The cables, which will be the bridge's main support, are strung from tower to tower. They are made up of wire that's high tensile steel. 作为大桥的主要支撑,绳索被绷在塔之间。它们是由高抗拉强度的钢丝组成的。
- Adds a minicomputer or server tower to your network diagram. 在网络图中添加小型计算机或立式服务器。
- The machine feeds back everything you need to know. 这架机器可以把你所需要知道的全部材料再提供出来。
- Young Mrs.Song combs along horse's tail pigtail continuously to tow to the shoulder on. 小宋老师梳着一条长长的马尾辫一直拖到肩头上。
- The machine is used to rip up the documents. 这台机器使用来搅碎旧布并为织出新布提供纤维的。
- The truck that had a breakdown was towed to the garage. 那辆故障的货车被拖到修车厂。
- The truck used a cable to tow the car. 卡车用缆索拖曳汽车。
- to sliver a piece of beef to dry 把一块肉割成长条以晒牛肉干
- Have oiled the machine, he begin to run it. 他把机器上了油之后便开始开动。