- tourism in Guangxi and Taiwan 桂台旅游
- industries in Guangxi and Taiwan 两岸产业
- In 2001, demonstration commenced in Guangxi and Fujian. 2001年已相继在广西、福建等地展开试点。
- The genus Abies discovered for the first time in Guangxi and Hunan. 冷杉属植物在广西与湖南首次发现.
- Guangxi and Taiwan Agricultural Tourism 桂台农业旅游
- The settlement of ASEAN-Expo in Nanning is of epoch-making significance for the development of convention-exhibition tourism in Guangxi. “南博会”的落户对广西会展旅游的发展具有划时代的意义。
- cooperation between Guangxi and Taiwan 桂台合作
- At 25 I led the Bose Uprising in Guangxi and helped establish the Seventh Army of the Red Army. 二十五岁领导了广西百色起义,建立了红七军。
- A SWOT Analysis and the Measure of MICE Tourism in Guangxi 广西会展旅游SWOT分析与对策
- As a branch of Cantonese, Yulin dialect is popular in Yuzhou district of Yulin City in Guangxi and is called Yulin Baihun by the local people. 玉林话是流行于广西玉林市玉州区的一种粤语亚方言 ,本地称为玉林白话。
- Output is already falling in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 新加坡、香港和台湾的输出已经出现下降。
- The contaminated species are rather universal in Guangxi and Hainan, Chlamys nobilis and Perna viridis are main contaminated species in Guangdong. 在染毒的贝类种类方面,广西和海南比较有普遍性,广东主要以华贵栉孔扇贝和翡翠贻贝为主。
- After the identification of the slide and needle-fixed specimens, a list of blackfly species in Guangxi and a discussion were given. 结果:共采获蚋类18种,其中含有3个新种,加上前人报告但此次未采到的4种,广西共记载蚋类22种。
- So far,more than 30 countries and regions have invested in Guangxi. 目前,到广西投资的国家和地区已达30多个。
- The status of tourism in Tibet's economy is rising. 旅游业在西藏国民经济中的地位日趋提高。
- Objective Analyze HIV data to understand the epidemic trends of HIV infection in Guangxi and to provide reference for making out the measure of effective prevention. 目的对广西HIV感染流行进行分析,了解广西HIV感染在广西的流行特点,为制定有效的预防措施提供依据。
- Tourism in the coastal area is very prosper. 沿海地区的旅游也非常兴
- Used as a folk remedy for scalds and burns in Guangxi. 为烫伤作为人们治疗法使用并且在广西燃烧。
- Tensions are rising over trade and Taiwan. 贸易和台湾问题的压力持续增长。
- Las Vegas tourism in the western city. 留学解答资讯网:拉斯维加斯是西部旅游城。