- tourism capacity of the environment 旅游环境容量
- The island has been ruined by tourism. 该岛毁在旅游业上了。
- Tourism is at its peak in August. 旅游业在八月份达到高峰。
- The country's economy is dependent on tourism. 该国经济依赖於旅游业。
- Tourism was then still in its infant stage. 旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。
- The island has been untouched by tourism. 该岛未受旅游业的影响。
- tourism capacities 旅游容量
- That nation is famous for its tourism. 那个国家以旅游业闻名。
- The court sits in three capacities. 高等司法法院有三种职能。
- Major products categories and capacities. 主要客户类型
- Custom tailored sizes and capacities upon request? 按照要求而量身定制的尺寸和容量。
- Industry: soap, coconut oil, tourism, copra. 工业:肥皂;椰子油;旅游;干椰子肉.
- I expect others to perform beyond their capacities. 我对别人的能力期望过高。
- Tourism is the lifeblood of the city. 旅游业是这座城市的命脉。
- Have capacities to analyze and train. 良好的分析能力和培训能力。
- We should work on improving our tourism industry. 我们应该努力改进我们的旅游业。
- Progress was scored in international tourism. 国际旅游业有所发展。
- Tourism is a major business in Bermuda. 旅游在百慕大群岛是主要的商业。
- The status of tourism in Tibet's economy is rising. 旅游业在西藏国民经济中的地位日趋提高。
- He must have a very contemptible opinion of her capacities. 他一定看不起她的能力。