- toughened silver nitrate 硝酸银棒
- A silver salt, especially silver nitrate, used to sensitize paper. 银盐,硝酸银:一种银酸盐,尤指硝酸银,用于使纸感光
- Ingredients: Gelatin, potassium bromide, potassium iodide, and silver nitrate. 成份:凝胶(明胶),溴化钾,碘化钾,硝酸银
- Effect of silver nitrate on in vitro shoot growth and tuberization in Solanum tuberosum L. 硝酸银处理对马铃薯离体苗生长与结薯的影响。
- Ahem, A. M.; Garrell, R. L. In Site Photoreduced Silver Nitrate as a Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy [J]. Anal. Chem. 1987, 59:2813. 李小灵;徐蔚青等.;盐酸羟胺络合法制备银溶胶及表面增强拉曼基底[J]
- Observing the inhibition effect of silver nitrate on Pneumococci and Streptococci by bacterium culture. 采用细菌培养法观察硝酸银对肺炎链球菌和乙型溶血型链球菌的抑制作用。
- Combine the silver nitrate and gelatine solutions slowly.This is known as the precipitation stage. 混合两种溶液:这是个比较仓促的阶段。
- Conclusion Silver nitrate was of obviously the inhibitory effects on common respiratory pathogens. 结论硝酸银对常见呼吸道病原体有明显的抑制作用。
- It is presented that a new method directly producing product silver from waste silver nitrate solutions. 提出了一种从硝酸银废液中回收银新方法,可直接得到成品银。
- The new method described herein is to reduce silver sulfide by aluminium and get silver nitrate agent. 研究价廉易得的铝作为还原剂,从含硫化银废水中制取试剂级硝酸银。
- Title: The Effect of Silver Nitrate on Genetic Transformation in White Mulberry ( Morus alba L. 关键词:桑树;遗传转化;根癌农杆菌;硝酸银
- The acetates of sterols were further separated by TLC with silver nitrate impregnated silica gel G and HPLC. 甾醇部分经乙酰化后,由气相色谱法分析,并采用硝酸银硅胶制备薄层色谱法和高效液相色谱法进一步分离。
- The new process of using bismuth nitrate to eliminate chlorine in solution instead of silver nitrate is studied. 研究了用硝酸铋代替硝酸银除去溶液中氯离子的新工艺。
- Objective To determine the inhibition effects of silver nitrate on common respiratory pathogens. 摘要目的证实硝酸银对常见呼吸道病原体具有抑制作用。
- Objective To study the staining method by silver nitrate in preparation of teaching-sample sections in quantity. 目的探讨适用于大批制作大脑锥体细胞教学标本切片浸银染色方法。
- They are therefore preventively treated with a drop of a silver nitrate or of an antibiotic solution in each eye. 所以,出生时,医生用硝酸银制剂或抗生素溶液给他们滴眼,可以预防感染。
- Objective To investigate the reliability doserving pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm with silver nitrate staining. 目的探讨银染法观察细菌生物被膜在药物作用前后变化的可靠性。
- What kind of barbitals can be assayed by the potentiometric titration with silver nitrate? 哪些巴比妥药物能用银量法进行含量测定?为什么?
- Chinese INK and Silver Nitrate was injected into the arteries of hearts of 20 foetus and then tie observation of the heart was made under microscope. 本实验采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉灌注方法,对20例(新生儿10例,胎儿10例)心器官内淋巴管的分布进行观察。
- Objective To compare the efficacy between Ho: YAG laser and silver nitrate in the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis(PAR). 目的探讨比较钬激光及硝酸银治疗常年性变应性鼻炎(PAR)的临床效果。