- totally enclosed coal bunker 全封闭煤库
- The clamping unit is totally enclosed to contain dry air. 锁模装置还要密封,保存着干燥的空气。
- The watercooling system should be constructed as a totally enclosed one. 水冷却系统应该设计为一个全封闭系统。
- Height between base surface of coal feeder and coal bunker outlet. 给料机基础平面与磨煤机入口之间的高度。
- Quarter turn, double acting and spring return type with a totally enclosed design and no external moving linkages. 四分之一转,双动和弹簧回位类型,具有全封闭结构,没有外部活动连接。
- The paper discussed the pollution cause of highway enclosed coal vehicle and proposed some advice. 阐述了公路上运煤车辆污染的原因和减轻污染的几项建议。
- Motors on the milling machines are totally enclosed to guard against ingress of metallic dust. 铣床上的电动机都是全封闭的,以防止金属粉尘进入。
- totally enclosed quadrate coal yard 方形全封闭煤场
- Pingdingshan enjoys abundant mineral resources. It's the biggest coalmine in east, central and south China with the title of" Coal bunker of central China" since long before. 盛产井盐的长江三峡地区,在东汉及至南北朝时期,已逐渐成为廪君、瓠后裔与汉人交相杂居的地带。
- Y、 YD、 YSF( YT、 T35)、 YEJ、 YVP series three-phase induction motors are of squirrel-cage, totally enclosed, fan-cooled type. 翔宇电机高质量长期、定的量供以下产品:Y、2系列三相交流电动机、D系列变极多速三相交流电动机,YSF(T、35)列风机专用电动机,YEJ电磁制动三相交流电动机、vp变频调速三相交流电动机。
- In the process of round coal bunker construction,the interval distance problems are settled by the new ways of steel bar slip way,steel bar framework,and the like. 在圆煤仓施工中,通过采用钢筋滑道、钢筋骨架等新方法有效解决了仓壁钢筋间距等问题;
- ANSI and NEC standards and shall meet the latest design standards of a Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated NEMA frame motor. 散热应该通过定子外壳传导到周围的介质来完成。
- The MCC or control panel shall be sheet steel, totally enclosed to IP 54 and free standing on a hot dipped galvanized welded steel channel plinth. MCC或控制面板应为钢板材质,完全包含IP54以及独立式热镀锌焊接钢通道底座。
- The driving mechanism is totally enclosed in the machi-ne boby and its lubrication system improves the lifetime of the mechanical components. 机械传动系统全部封闭在机体内,并附有自动润滑系统,提高了机件的寿命。
- Experimental results of three videos at coal bunker floor of the electric factory show that the methods for the image sampling, the edge detection, and the flow analysis are practical and effective. 在电厂中进行了三段煤传输录影实验,对三段录影流量检测的重复性和准确性比较结果表明,本文提出的图像采集、边缘提取以及流量分析方法可行、有效。
- Y series motor is totally enclosed and fan-cooling three-phase squirrel cage induction motor,which is newly designed inconformity with the relevant requirement of IEC stand ards. Y系列电动机是全封闭自扇冷式绎笼型三相异步电动机,是最新设计的基本系列,符合IEC标准的有关规定。具有高效、节能,起动转矩大,噪声低,振动小,可靠性高,使用维护方便等特点。
- The adoption of programmable controller in the electric control system realized the automatic control from the reception of coal from coal bunker to the sequential charging of the charging car. 在电气控制系统中采用可编程控制器,实现了装煤车从煤塔取煤到顺序装煤的自动控制。
- Total enclosed desigh, Lubricant refilling is not necessary, Easy installing and comdination. 密封式设计,不必换油,安装方便。
- Single speed motor drive connected to a Helical Worm Gear and a totally enclosed Connecting Gear Box with heavy duty chain drive to the rolls and with fixed friction ratio according to customers request (normally 1: 1,2). 系统带有同螺旋涡齿轮以及全封闭齿轮箱的单速马达,它带有重型链传动系统并可根据客户的需要固定摩擦比(通常为1:1.;2)。
- Causes of Coal Bunker Blocked and Treatment Methods 井下煤仓堵塞的原因及处理方法