- Total dose is CY 200 mg/kg , ATG 90 mg/kg and TBI 4 Gy. 一为CY+抗胸腺免疫球蛋白(ATG):CY 200mg/kg,ATG 90mg/kg;
- Conclusion: The CSII was more safe and effective than low dose insulin intravenous infusion in the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. 结论:与常规小剂量胰岛素静脉持续滴注法相比,CSII对糖尿病酮症酸中毒的治疗是更为安全、有效的。
- When injection into several areas are involved. A total dose of 80mg is needed. 注射在身体局部的总剂量需要达到80毫克。
- The total dose effects of the ONO and MTM antifuse FPGA are compared. 以ONO和MTM反熔丝具有代表性的FPGA总剂量效应比较。
- The total dose increases continuously from the time of arrival of the fallout toward the limiting(infinite time)value. 总剂量从沉降物抵达时开始就不断上升直到极限值(无限时间)。
- Gy and 2.0? Gy/fraction at the clinical treatment volume(CTV)to a total dose of 56? 亚临床灶和预防照射区接受常规照射;2.;0Gy/次;共28次;总量56Gy。
- Although 80% isodose line coverd CTV, the dose to the lens was 30% of the total dose by 20MeV electron irradiation. 2 0MeV电子线 80%25的等剂量曲线覆盖靶区 ,晶状体剂量为 3 0%25。
- Hyperthermia using the SIGMA 60 applicator (BSD 2000) was given once a week before radiotherapy which was delivered with a total dose of 45 Gy. 局部热疗采用SIGMA60热疗机 (BSD - 2 0 0 0 ) ,放疗总剂量为 45Gy。
- Results: Total dose, the highest dose and average day dose within whole course of methadone in concentrate group were... 讨论:自愿戒毒者的分散封闭管理治疗较优集中封闭管理治疗。
- By comparing the MOS structure's responses to hot-carrier injection and total dose radiation,the correlation between them is investigated. 通过对MOS电容进行热载子注入和总剂量辐照实验,探讨了MOS结构热载子注入与总剂量辐射响应的相关性。
- In the CV group, postoperative radiotherapy was delivered to 54.3 Gy in 27 fractions for 5-6 weeks, while the CF group with 53.9 Gy total dose in 26 fractions for 5-6 weeks. 其中常规放疗组(CV组)90例;三维适形放疗组(CF组)77例。 CV组放疗中位剂量为54.;3Gy/27次;CF组放疗中位剂量为53
- Patients in LCAH were treated by conventional radiotherapy with 40Gy,then by LCAH to the total dose of 70Gy(a fraction of 1.5Gy at twice daily,5 days per week). LCAH组常规放射治疗40Gy后;改用后程加速超分割推量治疗;1.;5Gy次/;2次/天;5天/周;总剂量至70Gy。
- With short scan times, a “tighter” bolus of contrast can be delivered, so that the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) is increased and the total dose of required contrast is reduced. 短扫描时间,能获得更加紧密的造影剂液团,由此就可以增加强化噪声比(CNR),减少造影剂的用量。
- The patients of CF group received a total dose of 60-70Gy,at 2Gy daily,5 days per week. While in the LCAHF group,all patients first received a mean dose of 40Gy/4wks followed by 24Gy/16fs/1.5wks,1.5Gy/fs,twice daily. DT64Gy/36fs/5.5wks were delivered. 后超组(LCAHF组)80例;方法为先常规照射40Gy/4周;2Gy/次;5次/周;从第5周起超分割立体定向适形照射;1.;5Gy/次;2次/d;间隔6h以上;24Gy/1
- One or two intracavitary of low-dose rate ~ 137 Cs were performed after external radiotherapy(Dt13~20Gy/f),to deliver a total dose of Dt60Gy to point A for pre-operation cases and of Dt 80Gy for exclusive chemoradiation. 腔内治疗应用137铯低剂量率治疗1~2次(A点剂量Dt13~20Gy/次)。
- The study group was given CAF chemotherapy 6 cycles continuously and radiotherapy from armpit field by stages after stitches removed. The total dose was 50Gy. After 4 weeks,the radiotherapy from chest field was given as above. 研究组术后给予CAF方案连续化疗6周期,拆线后即行腋锁野常规分割照射,DT总量50Gy,完成照射后休息4周后续行胸壁野照射,方法剂量同腋锁野。
- Methods:60 NPC patients with N 0 2 were randomized into two groups. The patients in the first group were treated with standard hyperfractionated radiotherapy (HFR),the total dose DT 76.8Gy. 方法 :6 0例N0 -2 患者随机分为两组 ;30例采用标准超分割 (HFR)方式放疗 ;总量DT 76 .;8Gy;
- The effects of fractionation are dependent on total doses and on fractionation procedures. 分次照射的效应取决于总计量和分次方法。
- Clinical Comparison Between the Effect of Low dose Insulin and Cytidine Diphosphate Choline on Patients with Multiple Cerebral Infarction 小剂量胰岛素与胞二磷胆碱治疗多发性脑梗死临床对照
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。