- total actual spending 实际支出总额
- Note Microsoft Office Project 2003 adds up the actual work in each period to display the total actual work for each resource. 注释Microsoft Office Project 2003可累计每个时间段内的实际工时,以显示各资源的总实际工时。
- Unlike nesting birds, penguin parents actually spend very little time together. 不同于筑巢的鸟类,企鹅实家长们际上在一起共同的时光很短。
- Objective To investigate the actual cost of expand programme on immunization (EPI) from each management level in Hunan Province, the structure and the total actual cost of EPI project were analyzed. 摘要目的对湖南省各级计划免疫工作成本进行调查,了解分析目前计划免疫工作成本状况及构成。
- He actually spent most of his time on CNN.com. 实际上,他的大多数时间都花在浏览cnn网站上。
- He actually spent most of his time on CNN. 实际上,他的大多数时间都花在浏览CNN网站上。
- What many people find when they complete this exercise is that they are actually spending very little time on what's important to them. 很多人觉得当他们完成这项工作,他们其实花很少的时间就什么重要的。
- Human may seek pleasure instinctually, but they actually spend more effort on avoiding pain. 寻找快乐是人性的本能,但事实上,人们却为避免痛苦付出了太多。
- It was a very special time to bring together our Western disciples in a place where we could actually spend some time getting to know one another. 而这也是一个很特别的机会,让我们西方同修能聚在一起,有时间互相认识了解。
- Consumption surveys, which track what people actually spend, sketch a more lifelike portrait of the material quality of life. 纪录人们真正消费情况的消费调查才能比较生动真实地反映人们的物质生活质量。
- Americans actually spend more time in school than children in Asian countries that persistently outscore the U.S. on Math and Science tests. 但美国学生在学校中花费的时间实际上比那些一直在数学和科学测试中强于美国的亚洲国家的儿童更多。
- This is of course a private school, and proof of the fully transatlantic axiom that the more you pay for school, the less time your kids actually spend in it. 这当然是一所私立学校,也完全印证了美国的一条公理:你花的钱越多,你的孩子的在学校时间却越少。
- Where a joint stock limited company is established by stock floatation, its registered capital shall be the total actually paid capital stock as registered in the company registration authority. 股份有限公司采取募集方式设立的,注册资本为在公司登记机关登记的实收股本总额。
- The mass rally was a total fiasco. 那次群众集会彻底失败。
- You realize that you could actually spend the rest of your days standing aside from the debilitating clamoring of your own obsessions, no longer frantically hounded by your own needs and greed. 你意识到你的余生可以在一种置身于自我的纠结,脱离于本身的需求和欲望的状态下渡过。
- I must say the news comes as a total surprise. 我得说这个消息来得太突然了。
- Ten years was the sum total of my education. 我受教育的年限加起来共十年。
- My small contribution was lost in the grand total. 我的小小捐献在巨大的总额中小得几乎看不见。
- The ship was wrecked and became a total loss. 船只失事,一切都损失了。
- He swings from wild optimism to total despair. 他由极其乐观一变而为完全绝望。