- tortuous legal procedures. 复杂的法律程序
- As an important part of law of tort, joint tortuous legal system has a significant research value in the practice of civil adjudgement. 共同侵权法律制度作为侵权法的一个重要组成部分,在民事审判实践中具有重要的研究价值。
- But the schism could bring a tortuous legal conflict over tens of millions of dollars-worth of church property.It could also bring some deliciously comic scenes. 但教会分裂可能会因价值上亿的教会财产引起法律纠纷,也可能有引人发笑的闹剧上演。
- When you try studying these patents, you will discover they are very hard to understand as they are written in tortuous legal language, whose meaning is very hard to understand. 当你尝试研究这些专利时,你会发现它们充满了诘屈聱牙的法律语言,极其晦涩难懂。
- Meanwhile, the Government would deal with judicial review cases according to legal procedures. 在此期间,特区政府会依照法定程序,处理司法覆核的案件。
- Leasing out a domestic property involves a number of legal procedures and financial arrangements. 出租住宅物业涉及许多法律程序和财务安排。
- Without permission through legal procedures, no units or individuals may keep firearms and ammunition privately. 任何单位和个人,未经法定手续批准,不得私自保存枪支、弹药。
- There are specifications for employment conditions, dismissing causes and legal procedures for teacher's tenure. 各州对于终身职教师的聘任条件、解聘原因及其法律正当程序等都有明确具体的规定。
- All legal procedures were transacted between a lawyer from the U.S. and a Honduran lawyer. 一位美国律师以及一位洪都拉斯律师被指定负责办理相关的法律程序。
- The family hoped they would be able to settle the charges out of court instead of having to be dragged into lengthy legal procedures. 这个家庭希望得到庭外和解,而不是被拖进冗长的法律程序中。
- The wiretapping for national security purposes in 1969-1971 clearly complied with the administrative and legal procedures in effect at the time. 在1969到1971年间出于国家安全目的进行的窃听,是明确符合当时生效的行政和法律程序的。
- Administrative penalty that is not imposed in accordance with law or in compliance with legal procedures shall be invalid. 没有法定依据或者不遵守法定程序的,行政处罚无效。
- When exercising the rights on a negotiable instrument, the holder shall sign it according to legal procedures and present it. 持票人行使票据权利,应当按照法定程序在票据上签章,并出示票据。
- The report said tenders and material procurement for 14 projects had failed to comply with legal procedures, but did not give details. 报告表示,14个项目的投标和材料采购存在违规行为,但没有透露具体细节。
- Emergency powers allow the government to impose curfews, close borders and airports and detain suspects without following normal legal procedures. 同样是在1月6日,美军称7名美国士兵在巴格达西北部地区进行例行的安全巡逻时,他们驾驶的布拉德利战斗车轧上一个爆炸装置,7名士兵全部死亡。
- But it has not gone through any legal procedures for its registration and its establishment has not been approved. It is no more than an illegal assembly. 但是,法轮大法研究会未经批准,没有履行合法的登记手续,属于非法结社。
- Under special circumstances, when public interest requires, equity joint ventures may be requisitioned by following legal procedures and appropriate compensation shall be made. 在特殊情况下,根据社会公共利益的需要,对合营企业可以依照法律程序实行征收,并给予相应的补偿。
- Members of the Legislative Council of the Macao Special Administrative Region may introduce bills in accordance with the provisions of this Law and legal procedures. 第七十五条澳门特别行政区立法会议员依照本法规定和法定程序提出议案。
- But it has not gone through any legal procedures for its registration and its establishment has not been approved. It is no more than an illegal assembly. 但是,法轮大法研究会未经批准,没有履行合法的登记手续,属于非法结社。
- Protests are a longstanding Olympic tradition, but they may now be more noticeable than ever because of new legal procedures and intense pressure to win. 抗议是一个历史悠久的奥林匹克传统,但是他们也许现在才更加重视,因为它是个新的合法的程序且强烈要求胜利的。