- If it be torn in pieces, then let him bring it for witness, and he shall not make good that which was torn. 若被野兽撕碎,看守的要带来当作证据,所撕的不必赔还。
- The whole park is looking untidy, facilities torn in pieces, with fallen trees, garden lights stolen, environment dirty, and it is very unsightly. 整个公园很凌乱,基本设施遭到破坏,倒下的树木,被盗的花园路灯,肮脏环境,非常不雅观。
- The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin. 13万军之耶和华说,我与你为敌,必将你的车辆焚烧成烟,刀剑也必吞灭你的少壮狮子。我必从地上除灭你所撕碎的,你使者的声音必不再听见。
- The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his caves with prey, and his dens with ravin. 公狮咬死猎物,撕成碎块给母狮和幼狮;洞穴里堆满了撕碎的鲜肉。
- The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin. 公狮为小狮撕碎许多食物,为母狮掐死活物,把撕碎的,掐死的充满它的洞穴。
- A leopard is watching their cities; Everyone who goes out from them will be torn in pieces; Because they multiplied their transgressions, And their apostasies are great in number. 豹子要窥伺他们的城,凡出城的必被撕碎;因为他们的过犯极多,背道的事也大大加增。
- Nahum 2:12 The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelPSM, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his caves with prey, and his dens with ravin. 那鸿书2:12公狮为小狮撕碎许多食物,为母狮掐死活物,把撕碎的、掐死的充满他的洞穴。
- The cup lay in pieces on the floor. 地上是那杯子的碎片。
- She is mending a tear in her dress. 她在缝补洋装上的破洞。
- Contrasting material set into a surface in pieces to form a design. 镶衬(图片)将一片片性质相反的物质镶嵌入同一外表内,从而形成一种设计
- We dismantled the machine and shipped it in pieces. 我们拆开机器以零件运输。
- The sail was torn in two by the high wind. 船帆被狂风撕成了两半。
- The stones were parted in pieces by heavy blows. 石头被猛击后而成碎块。
- She missed Cal so much that she felt torn in two. 她想念卡巴顿想得要死,纵情泪落两行。
- She soon ran up the small tear in her dress . 她很快把她衣服上的小裂口缝补好了。
- Before use, you have to cut it in pieces. 用之前要切成小块。
- Mother mended the tear in my shirt. 妈妈给我补好了衬衫上扯破的地方。
- The vase lay in pieces on the floor. 花瓶碎片散落在地上。
- There was a big tear in his coat. 他的上衣撕了一个大口子。
- When I left, there are only recollection in pieces. 当我离开的时候,只剩下回忆的碎片。