- topological isomerism 相位异构(现象)
- Allene is an isomer of methyl acetylene. 丙二烯是甲基乙炔的一种异构体。
- The state or condition of being an isomer. 同分异构状态以同分异构形式存在的状态或情形
- Principles of Topological Psychology II. 拓扑心理学原理2。
- Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry 3rd ed. 代数几何中的拓扑方法第3版。
- A rather more complex case is that of steric isomerism. 更复杂的情形是立体异构问题。
- Supramolecular isomerism of inclusion crystalline formed by D. D with p-anisaldehyde (主体分子D.
- An isomer of retinoic acid, used in the treatment of acne. 一种视黄酸的异构体,用于治疗粉刺
- There is a simple way of associating a topological space with a graph. 有一种把一个拓扑空间同一个图联系起来的简单的方式。
- Advances of the cis-trans isomerism in a molecule are summarized in this paper. 总结了分子中存在的顺反异构化过程及其机理,包括光致异构化、热致异构化和催化异构化。
- How many isomerism bosom friends a person can meet in his/her whole life? 人一生中可以遇到多少个异性知己?
- A structural isomer of citral that is obtained from the oxidation of geraniol. 香叶醛由香叶醇氧化得到的柠檬酸的结构上的同质异构体
- The topological structures of the CNN and the inner parameters are presented. 提出CNN的拓扑结构和内部参数。
- Topological equivalence of homogeneous differential systems on plane. 平面齐次系统的拓扑等价问题
- Lewin,K. (1936), Principles of Topological Psychology, New York: McGraw-Hill.. 黄富顺(1992);成人的学习动机;高雄:复文书局.
- In this thesis,we discuss the topological entropy for noncompact sets. 在本文中,我们讨论了非紧集上的拓扑熵,通过研究,我们得到了一些结果,主要内容如下: 在第二章中,我们主要对映射考虑它的非紧集合上的拓扑熵。
- The team "stereoisomerism" however, is generally restricted to mirror image isomerism. 然而“立体异构”一词通常只限于镜象异构。
- The term "normal" applies to the isomer that has all its carbon atoms linked in a straight chain. 对这类异构体采用“正构”一词是因为这类异构体的全部炭原子都以直链形式连在一起。
- The most likely alternative structure, the tetrahedron, would produce only one isomer for this composition. 在这种情况下,最可选的结构是四面体,并且对于这个化合物将只产生一个异构体。
- The term "stereoisomerism" however, is generally restricted to mirror image isomerism. 然而“立体异构”一词通常只限于镜象异构。