- My friend is a top notch salesman. 我朋友是个最棒的推销员。
- The graphics in Joker's Quest are top notch. 在滑稽角色的寻求过程中的图形是第一流的。
- Radiohead is considered a top notch indie band. 收音机头乐队被认为是一流的独立摇滚乐队。
- He has been top notch in his class. 他在班里的学习成绩一直都是冒尖的。
- Dedicating to be the top notch professional transportation company. 致力于成为首屈一指的专业运输公司
- Its build quality, materials and design are all top notch. 在质量/用料/设计等方面三儿均获得高分。
- So I try to make top notch music to any anime that I do. 所以我尽量为我的动画配上一流的音乐。
- So do not sit idle thinking you will always be in top notch condition! 因此不要闲下来无事可做,而滞足不前。
- Provides top notch protection for file servers based on the Windows operating systems. 为Windows操作系统提供顶级的文件服务器防护。
- Top notch wirework and an interesting and complex plot set this above many other period films from the nineties. 一流的钢丝特技和趣味十足头绪纷繁的情节,使之超越了许多90年代的电影。
- We sell these products during airshow throughout the us. The quality must be top notch (very good). 我们销售这些产品在航空展。质量必须是一流的(非常好)。
- It didn't matter what the topic was, I would write a paper, which I thought, was absolutely top notch and get it back with a big B on it. 不论是什么题目,我写出了我认为绝对是上乘的文章,但得回的还是一个大大的B。
- Create top notch docs Find templates, fonts, images, sounds, animations, and other add-ins to enhance documents created in Office programs. 创建一流文档:查找模板、字体、图像、声音、动画以及其他加载项以改进在Office程序中创建的文档。
- This is not an ordinary ganster film or those meaningless H.K. ganster films.The lead actors cast are top notch from Korea."A+" movie. 7年后的汉城,山泰及容贺被大学取录后回家,发现东素及元瑞成为了黑党会员,东素在服刑,元瑞因为母亲过世,终日沉沦毒品。
- What factors do you attribute most to your personal success,your mastery of English,your top notch MBA education or your marketing experience at a Fortune 500 companies? 你认为你的成功最应归功于哪个因素:对英语的掌握,顶尖商学院的MBA学位,还是你在世界500强公司的营销经验?
- Stephanie was a top notch student in her high school and was highly involved in extra-curricular activities that made her a favorite amongst her peers and teachers alike. 现年拔尖学生是在她高中、高度参与课外活动,让她其中她最喜欢的一辈和教师。
- Zhao:What factors do you attribute most to your personal success,your mastery of English,your top notch MBA education or your marketing experience at a Fortune 500 companies? 赵:你认为你的成功最应归功于哪个因素:对英语的掌握,顶尖商学院的MBA学位,还是你在世界500强公司的营销经验?
- On the Training of Top Notch Personnel 论科教拔尖人才的培养
- People always distain those "stars and top notches" for their marrying the foreigners, and we Chinese won't accept such practices. 人们总是鄙视那些嫁给外国人的“明星,大腕”,国人不认同这种做法。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。