- top dead centre 上死点,上止点
- D. He hit the target at the dead centre. 他击中了靶的正中心。
- Take your time aiming and when you think that you can hit the cue ball dead centre, take your shot. 瞄准时要稳,在你认为自己可以准确击中主球的球心时再击球。
- Two TDC (Top Dead Center) sensors are mounted at the rear of the single camshaft. 两个上死点的传感器安装在凸轮轴的后面。
- Take your time aiming and when you think that you can hit the cue ball dead centre , take your shot. 瞄准时要稳,在你认为自己可以准确击中主球的球心时再击球。
- It may seem obvious, but the most essential skill a good snooker player can have is to be able to hit the cue ball dead centre. 虽然看似是显而易见的,但优秀的斯诺克选手可以掌握的最重要技能还是那种可以直击主球球心的能力。
- The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC (Bottom dead center) to TDC(top dead center). 行程是活塞从下止点运行到上止点的距离。
- The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC (Bottom dead center ) to TDC(top dead center ). 行程是活塞从下止点运行到上止点的距离。
- As Palin looses off a few rounds, a US Army instructor can be heard telling her approvingly: "You're pretty much hitting it dead centre. 在佩林打了一梭子之后,可以听到一位美国陆军教官的赞许“基本上正中靶心”。
- This spark must occur near the end of the compression stroke, as the position approaches top dead center (TDC). 火花应该在接近压缩行程终了的时候产生,即活塞位于接近上止点(TDC)。
- The first shooting opportunity for Chelsea fell dead centre - to Lampard who lofted his shot from the edge of the area over the bar on five minutes. 舍瓦和德罗巴坐在替补席上,卡卢的机会来了。科特迪瓦人以前首发过,而作为中锋首发还是第一次。
- The trailing edge of the fourth notch, which causes the pulse, is four degrees before top dead center (TDC) of the corresponding piston. 产生的脉冲的第四凹槽的后缘,位于相应的活塞在前上死点(TDC)4度的位置的位置上。
- If dead centre of bone of the tendon before leg cannot be withheld, also should withhold enough length, at bone damage upright ahead rebuilds tendon dead centre. 胫前肌腱骨止点如不能保留,也应保留足够长度,于骨残端前方重建肌腱止点。
- Upper limit of the piston movement is called as TDC (top dead center), and its lower limit is called as BDC (bottom dead center). 活塞运动的上限称为TDC(上止点),下限称为BDC(下止点)。
- The spark is therefore timed to occur before the piston reaches top dead center, otherwise maximum pressure would not be reached in time. 因而,在活塞到达上死点前,火花便会发生,否则就不可能适时达到最高的压力。
- The top dead center (TDC) has a great effect on the measurement and analysis of combustion process of internal combustion engines. 在示功图测量分析中,精确标定上止点相位是必不可少的重要环节。
- The Bore is the diameter of the cylinder. The stroke is the distance the piston travels from BDC (Bottom dead center ) to TDC(top dead center). The Bore is always mentioned first. 内径指的是气缸的直径;行程是活塞从下止点运行到上止点的距离。表述时,内径总是写在前面。
- The dead centre of the exploded star, known as the Helix nebula, is pictured surrounded by rings of gases from the former star and nearby planets that appear to have survived its death throes. 螺旋星云;也就是爆炸恒星的死亡中心;被恒星和周围幸存的卫星释放的气体包围.
- Design of Corrector for Top Dead Center 上止点找正仪的设计
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。