- tooth cutter for big animals 兽用切牙钳
- cutter for big animals, tooth 兽用切牙钳
- set for big animals, castration instruments 大家畜去势器械包
- castration instruments set for big animals 大家畜去势器械包
- speculum for big animals, vaginal 大动物开腔器
- vaginal speculum for big animals 大动物开腔器
- Because you 're destined for big things. 因为你生来就是做大事的人。
- This form of support can be a risk for big project. 所以对于大型项目来说,这种形式的支持存在风险。
- He might even be a match for Big Harry. 他甚至可能是大哈利的好对手。
- We need a thousand extras for big crowd scene. 在拍摄群众大场面时, 我们需要上千名临时演员。
- Look for big green stands of vegetation. 寻找大面积的植被。
- The cutters for fibre strands are simple in design. 原丝切刀造型简单。
- "Time is money" for big businesses. 对于商业活动来说,时间就是金钱。
- And she knew Terrance was no challenge for Big AI. 她知道特伦斯根本不能挑战大个子艾尔。
- And she knew Terrance was no challenge for Big Al. 她知道特伦斯根本不能挑战大个子艾尔。
- Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world. 蓝鲸是世界上最大的动物。
- Are whales the biggest animals in the oceans? 鲸是海洋里最大的动物吗?
- I am going out for big results and I must make a big effort. 我在努力争取巨大的成就,因而就得作出巨大的努力。
- We are going out for big results,and we must make a big effort. 我们正在努力争到巨大的成就,因此我们必须作出巨大的努力。
- South Africans are very experienced in reintroducing big animals to the wild. “南非人在让大型动物回归自然方面颇有经验,