- A bad workman quarrels with tools. 拙劣的工匠埋怨他的工具。
- You can examine this file with tools such as. 这样的工具检查此文件。
- Crowds are assembled for brawls with tools. 持械聚众斗殴的
- toolbar with tools 装有工作部件的通用机具架
- Without tools man is nothing, with tools he is all. 人没了工具就一事无成,有了工具便无所不能。
- The backpack is bulging with tools. 背包里装满了工具, 鼓鼓囊囊的。
- Word 2003 is open, showing the Ink Drawing and Writing toolbar with the blue pen selected. Word 2003处于打开状态,显示了“墨迹绘图和书写”工具栏,并且其中选中了蓝色的笔。
- Be familiar with tools choosing for mould manufacturing. 能选择模具制造用的刀具及其他工具。
- Without tools man is nothing, with tools, he is all. 没有工具,男人什么都不是;有了工具,他是。
- You can examine this file with tools such as Ildasm. Exe. 可以使用诸如Ildasm.;exe这样的工具检查此文件。
- The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly. 这件家具备有组装工具和说明书。
- To customize a toolbar, click a toolbar with the right mouse button, and then click Customize on the shortcut menu. 如果要自定义工具栏,请在工具栏任一处单击鼠标右键,然后在快捷菜单中选择“自定义”命令。
- Near the middle left is a vertical ToolBar with the Open Tracker button at the top. 靠近左侧中间是一个垂直的ToolBar,它的顶部有一个Open Tracker按钮。
- As usual the workshop was cluttered with tools and hardware of explosion. 象平日一样,这个工作间里乱七八遭地堆满了工具和用来搞爆炸的各种玩意儿。
- In essence, it is a tabbed toolbar with textual labels for groups of functions, as well as a heterogeneous presentation of butcons and textual commands. 本质上,它是一个工具栏,包含了多个带有文本标签的功能组,还包含了各种各样的图标按钮和文本命令。
- He is clumsy with tools. 他不擅于使用工具。
- Provide tooling companies with tool layout, size, format etc. 向模具公司提供加工图纸、尺寸、样本等。
- Separators: These separate items on the toolbars with a small vertical line. 分隔符:分隔符在工具条上显示为一条竖直的线。
- Use our photo editor to edit and fix your photos with tools such as color balancing, cropping, and red-eye correction. 使用我们的照片编辑器编辑和修复您的照片与工具,如色彩平衡,裁切,和红眼修正。
- Visual Web Developer provides you with tools to help track down errors in your ASP.NET Web pages. Visual Web Developer为您提供了一些工具;用于帮助跟踪ASP.;NET网页中的错误。