- He took command of the battalion. 他指挥那个大队。
- The general took command of the battle. 将军指挥这场战役。
- Take command of your squad and save the day! 采取指挥你的小队和保存天!
- The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and marooned him on a desert island. 水手们从残酷的船长手中夺过了指挥权,把他放逐到一个荒岛上。
- When the major was killed,the captain took command of the company. 少校阵亡后,上尉指挥全连。
- General Lee takes command of an army. 李将军指挥军队。
- The police arrived and took command of the situation. 警察到达后就控制了局势。
- For one thing, he took command of a ragged army of revolutionaries. 首先,他胆敢出任一支破破烂烂的革命军的司令。
- When the major was killed, the captain took command of the company. 少校阵亡后, 上尉指挥全连。
- When the major was killed the senior captain took command of the company. 当少校阵亡时,全连由资格较老的上尉指挥。
- When the major was killed, the senior captain took command of the company. 当少校阵亡了,大尉开始指挥步兵连。
- Michael took command of the group even as a chubby-cheeked kindergartner. 当还是一个圆脸的小家伙时,迈克尔就开始指挥这个团体。
- The pirates took command of the ship by force from the sailors,and stranded them on a desert island. 海盗用武力夺取了轮船,并将水手们困在一个荒岛上。
- The pirates took command of the ship by force from the sailors, and stranded them on a desert island. 海盗用武力夺取了轮船,并将水手们困在一个荒岛上。
- Optimus Prime, Powermaster, took command of the Autobot forces on Cybertron at 14:37 Zulu, 15 August 2015 Standard. 力量大师擎天柱在标准时间2015年8月15日14时37分接管了塞伯特恩的汽车人部队。
- As to taking command of the ship that was his duty, for he was First Officer. 说到他在船上指挥,既然他是大副,这应该是他的职责。
- Shortly thereafter, Stalin dispatched Zhukov south to take command of the situation. 迫使苏军将补给品由船运增援到斯大林格勒,此后不久,斯大林派朱可夫负责指挥。
- General White was in command of the army. 怀特将军统率那个军队。
- On July 3, 1775, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, he took command of his ill-trained troops and embarked upon a war that was to last six grueling years. 在1775年7月3日,在马萨诸塞的剑桥,他指挥他那缺乏培训的军队开始战斗,拉开了之后持续六年的艰苦卓绝的战争。
- Reveling in her newfound power, Vosa took command of the cult, leading it from a decrepit citadel on Kohlma, a burial moon orbiting Bogden. 沃萨对自己的新力量欣喜若狂。她接管邪教团,在博格登(Bogden)的墓地卫星寇玛(Kohlma)上的一座破败城堡设立了据点。