- The street vendors often took advantage of the customers. 摊贩们经常欺骗消费者。
- If Acme intended on playing this game only once, it would always take advantage of the customer at B. 如果特别有意的仅玩一次这个游戏,则会经常在B点利用客户。
- I took advantage of the moment to leave the room. 我利用那一刻离开了房间。
- Don't take advantage of the greenhorn. 不要占那新手的便宜吧。
- He took advantage of the situation. 他得天时地利。
- She was a practised swindler and took advantage of the old man's confiding nature. 她是一个行骗的老手,利用了那个老人轻信别人的性格。
- Take advantage of the Office Fluent user interface. 利用Office Fluent用户界面。
- It can take advantage of the grid middleware. 可以利用网格中间件的优势。
- In spring, we usually set the clock ahead one hour, to take advantage of the summer daylight. 在春天,我们通常将钟表向前拔一小时,以利用夏天的日光。
- Nobody in authority was available to take advantage of the offer of a reduced price for a bulk order, so I ordered twice our normal requirement on my own initiative. 当时没有负责的人在场能大批订购削价货,因此我主动地订购了比我们正常需要多两倍的货物。
- It is unmoral to take advantage of the deformities. 利用残疾人是不道德的。
- They took advantage of the hotel's facilities. 他们充分利用旅馆的设备。
- Take advantage of the free negation and swizzling. 可自由的对数据进行否定或混合。
- We should take advantage of the opportunity. 我们应该利用机会。
- Take advantage of the cheap prices while they last. 趁减价未停,好好利用减价的机会。
- Don't take advantage of the greenhorn . 不要占那新手的便宜吧。
- Jane took advantage of the lunch hour to finish her homework. 珍妮利用午餐时间完成作业。
- Many women also take advantage of the custom embroidery and monogramming service, guaranteeing a personal style every day of the week. 许多妇女还利用定制刺绣和花纹图案的服务,保证每周都有自己的独特风格。
- The dandy took advantage of the incident to make his escape. 佳公子乘机溜走了。
- Wise men take advantage of the opportunities which fools give them. 傻瓜摆酒席,智者吃酒席。