- Japan today simply stands too tall and too rich to maintain a low profile. 日本现在太醒目,太富裕了,很难再不引人注意了。
- The ship is too tall to go under the bridge. 船太高,无法过桥。
- Vu, Revy or V2: I'm too tall to ride?? 让您和亲朋好友保持联系,随时分享生活中的每一刻。
- DuDu: But a giraffe would be too tall to fit in my bedroom. 都都:可是长颈鹿对于我的卧室来讲太高了。
- Crouch is too tall and he can flick the ball all the time. 克劳奇太高了,任何情况下他都能够触到球。
- She worries about her height(= that she is too tall). 她为个子太高而烦恼。
- He is handsome now, not too tall, but his build is respectable. 他现在长得一表人才了,个儿虽不高,一幅体格却颇为不凡。
- Torayasu Michiko, has a complex about being too tall. 孙多智,一个年至不惑的中年男子,自幼学业成绩名列前茅也素有第一名先生之称,但在成家立业后,他却成为家人心目中第二名的先生跟爸爸。
- For a dancer, it's a good advantage to be slim and not too tall. 对一个舞蹈演员来说,身材苗条而又不过高是个有利条件。
- The country today simply stands too tall and too rich to keep a low profile. 现在这个国家飞跃发展,繁荣富强,不能不引人注目。
- A model was told to get off a London bus simply because she was too tall. 近日,英国一名模特在伦敦乘坐公共汽车时被司机赶下车,因为司机觉得她太高了。
- I don't like her because she is too tall and furthermore she smokes too much. 我不喜欢她, 因为她太高, 另外她抽烟太厉害。
- At that time because chummage is too tall, friends move environs to go. 当时因为房租太高,朋友们都搬到市郊去住了。
- These cotton-plants are growing too tall and spindly (or are overgrowing). 这些棉花长疯了。
- The current jar shown in the attachment is too tall and not wide enough. 在附着中被显示的现在的广口瓶太高而且不广阔地足够。
- He is too tall and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway. 他长得很高,头总难免要撞上那低低的门楣。
- DOGS in China are being snatched from their homes for being unregistered, being too tall or simply barking too much. 中国的狗正因为没注册、太高或只是叫得太多而被从家里抓走。
- He is too tall, and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway. 他长得很高,头总难免要撞上那低低的门楣。
- Then, chen Jinglin says to pluvial celestial bodies: Pluvial celestial bodies, because this month gets online, electric telephone bill is too tall. 于是,陈京琳对雨辰说:雨辰,因这个月上网,电话费太高了。
- Minnesota's recent resurgence has been fueled by rebounding and superior inside play, but L.A. was too deep and too tall. 明尼苏达最近比赛的苏醒就是依靠他们篮板和内线的强硬,但是湖人的内线实在是太强大太高了。