- too many unexcused absences. 太多未经允许的缺席。
- The principal discouraged unexcused absences. 校长不准无故缺课。
- Only 5 unexcused absences are permitted. 只允许5次未请假的缺席。
- The article has too many false presumptions. 这篇文章中凭空臆测的东西太多。
- She has too many irons in the fire. 她手头上揽的事情太多了。
- Three unexcused absences will result in failure to pass the class. 无故缺席三次(含)以上者,成绩不予通过。
- With five unexcused absences you will be withdrawn from the class. 无理由地缺席五次,你将被这门课除名。
- He bought four tickets, which was one too many. 他买了四张票,多了一张。
- He carried too many guns for me. 他的实力远远超过我。
- Jim was punished for telling too many tales. 吉姆因说谎话过多而受处罚。
- You've been having too many late nights recently. 你近来晚睡的次数太多了。
- If you have more than two unexcused absences, it may affect your final grade. 如果你有两次以上毫无理由的缺席,将会影响你的期末成绩。
- People are apt to put in too many zeros. 人们倾向于加上过多的零。
- If you have more than two unexcused absences, it will affect your final grade. 如果有两次无故缺席,将会影响你们期末的成绩。
- Too many films trivialize violence. 有许许多多影片把暴力行为描述成是鸡毛蒜皮的事。
- I have too many irons in the fire. 我同时还有几件事要办。
- There are too many ifs in his offer. 他的提议中条件太多了。
- There were too many problems to contend with. 要全力对付的问题真是太多太多了。
- The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。
- We've got too many chairs I must have miscounted. 我们的椅子太多了--一定是我算错了。