- After he was elected as a monitor,he got too big for his boots. 他被选为班长之后就骄傲起来。
- After he was elected as a monitor, he got too big for his boots. 他被选为班长之后就骄傲起来。
- The boy has grown too big for his boots,I'll have to put him back in his place. 这孩子变得太自高自大了,我要让他有点自知自明。
- Your son has grown too big for his boots,you'd better put in his place. 你儿子变得太傲慢了,你最好让他有自知之明。
- Your son has grown too big for his boots, you'd better put in his place. 你儿子变得太傲慢了,你最好让他有自知之明。
- He thought too much of himself and was getting too big for his boots, though he kept his thoughts to himself. 他少年得志,目中无人,不过没有表露出来。
- It's about time someone put that fellow in his place; he's getting too big for his boots. 该是有人让那家伙安分点儿的时候了; 他变得自高自大了。
- It's time someone put that fellow in his place; he's getting too big for his boots. 该叫那个家伙安分一点儿,他越来越神气得不得了。
- Look at that young man going around giving everybody orders. He is too big for his boots,that's his trouble. 看那年轻人到处发号施令。他太自高自大了,这就是他的毛病。
- That boy had grown too big for his breeches. I'll have to put him back in his place. 那小子太狂妄,我要压一压他的气焰。
- As soon as he became a physician, he seemed too big for his britches. (一旦他成为医生,他就自认不凡,目空一切了。)
- He was still seen as Shaq's sidekick, who despite his on-court genius, was too big for his britches. 他仍然被认为是奥尼尔的小弟。
- too big for his bootsadj. 自负的(自高自大的)
- He was an undersized little man, with a head too big for his body-- a sickly little man. 他身材比一般人矮小,在他那弱不禁风的瘦小身体上,脑袋又显得太大。
- And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed, Nothing seems to fit. Those raindrops are falling on my head; They keep falling. 雨点不断落在我头上雨点不断落在我头上,就像一个大个子躺在一张小床上,一切似乎都不对劲,雨点不断落在我头上,雨点不断落下来。
- When she was made monitor, she soon got too big for her boots. 她一当上班长, 马上就目中无人了。
- The coat is too big for him now, but he will grow into it. 这上衣他现在穿还太大,等他长大些再穿就合适了。
- His bag is much too big for him to carry. 他的包太大,以至于他拿不动。
- Ever since she got that manager's job she has been too big for her boots. 她当上经理后就变得骄傲自大了。
- It's too big for me. I will not take it. 这个太大,我不买它。