- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- That woman has the most viperine tongue! 那个女人有最恶毒的舌头!
- Next time don't loll out your tongue out. 下次可别伸出舌头来嘲笑人了。
- That woman has a very sharp tongue. 那个女人说话非常尖刻。
- I grope for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑洞洞的屋里摸索著寻找电灯开关。
- He had a slip of tongue by chance. 他偶然说走嘴。
- The tongue is one of the vocals. 舌头是发声器官之一。
- He had a slip of tongue by accident. 他偶然说走嘴。
- The switch on the kettle won't stay down. 这个水壶上的开关按下时卡不住了。
- He made the remark tongue in cheek. 他说这话是闹着玩的。
- Tell him to put a bridle on his tongue. 告诉他说话要谨慎。
- I switch off when he starts talking about cars. 他一谈起汽车我就厌烦。
- He speaks English, but his native tongue is German. 他会说英语,但他的母语是德语。
- Polls showed a switch to Labour. 民意测验表明形势转而对工党有利。
- The doctor looked at her tongue. 医生诊看了她的舌头。
- No, hold it a second, switch that to roast chicken. 不,等一等,把那个换成烤子鸡。
- Never tell him a secret; he's got a loose tongue. 别把秘密告诉他,他的嘴不严。
- Long lectures really switch me off. 我觉得冗长的演讲很烦人。
- Can we switch over? Here is too hot. 咱们换换地方?这里太热了。
- I have her name on the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。