- Researchers then took saliva and tongue coating samples to measure bacteria levels and odour-causing compounds, including hydrogen sulphide. 然后研究者们提取了他们唾液和舌苔的样本,用于测量(口腔内的)细菌水平和能诱发异味的化合物,如硫化氢。
- As to baby of small gestation age but has birth teeth, mom can use carbasus dipped in brackish water to dab the surface of teeth and tongue coat. 对于月龄更小,而已萌出乳牙的宝宝,妈妈可以早、晚用干净的纱布蘸淡盐水,轻擦牙齿表面及舌苔。
- Whitish urine, sloppy stool, white tongue coating are symptoms for taking Fresh Ginger and Brown Sugar Decoction. 小便白、大便溏、舌苔白,肯定是要服生姜红糖汤了。
- The content of ACP in exfoliated cells of tongue coating had no evident changes, however the content of LDH heightened obviously (P<0.01) . 舌苔脱落细胞ACP含量无明显变化,而LDH增高明显(P<0.;01) 。
- Main Manifestations Cough with profuse, white and sticky sputum, stuffiness and chest congestion, loss of appetite, white, sticky tongue coating and rolling pulse. 咳嗽痰多,色白而粘,胸脘痞闷,胃纳减少,舌苔白腻,脉滑。
- Main Manifestations Acid fermented vomitus, epigastric and abdominal distension, belching, anorexia, thick, greasy tongue coating, slippery and full pulse. 呕吐酸腐,脘腹胀满,嗳气厌食,舌苔厚腻,脉多滑实。
- Palpitation, expectoration of mucoid sputum, fullness in the chest and epigastric region, lassitude, weakness, cold extremities, white tongue coating, string-taut, rolling pulse. 心悸不宁,咳吐痰涎,胸脘痞满,神疲乏力,形寒肢冷,舌苔白,脉弦滑。
- She had the symptoms of tight and slow pulse, pale tongue body with white tongue coating, white and lusterless complexion, a little general edema with her little fat body. 诊其脉紧而迟,其舌质淡而苔白,面白而无华,体虽胖而略浮肿,其自云:“遇阴雨变天前则痛会加剧。
- The patients with spleen-stomach diseases I confronted have the symptoms of whitish and slimy tongue coating, bulgy tongue body with dental indentations. 余每遇脾胃疾病患者,望舌苔多白腻,舌体多胖大有齿痕。
- Main Manifestations Cough with yellow and thick sputum, choking cough, thirst, sore throat, reverb, or headache, aversion to wind, sweating, thin, yellow tongue coating floating and rapid pulse. 咳痰黄稠,咳而不爽,口渴咽痛,身热,或见头痛,恶风,有汗等表证,苔薄黄,脉浮数。
- Main Manifestations Cough, itching of the throat, thin and white sputum, aversion to cold, fever, anhidrosis, headache, stuffy and running nose, thin, white tongue coating and superficial pulse. 咳嗽喉痒,痰液稀白,恶寒发热,无汗,头痛,鼻塞流涕,舌苔薄白,脉浮。
- Main Manifestations Distending pain in the epigastrium, aggravated on pressure, belching with fetid odor, anorexia, pain aggravated after meals, thick, sticky tongue coating, deep, forceful or rolling pulse. 胃脘胀痛,拒按,嗳气有腐臭味,不思饮食,食则痛甚,舌苔厚腻,脉沉实而滑。
- Main Manifestations Paroxysmal pain in the epigastrium, radiating to the hypochondriae regions, frequent belching, nausea, acid regurgitation, abdominal distension, anorexia, thin, white tongue coating, deep, string-start pulse. 胃脘胀痛,攻及两胁,嗳气频繁,恶心,吐酸,腹胀,食少,苔薄白,脉沉弦。
- Main Manifestations Vomiting, acid regurgitation, frequent belching, distending pain in the chest and hypochondriac regions, irritability with an oppressed feeling, thin, sticky tongue coating, string-taut pulse. 呕吐吞酸,嗳气频繁,胸胁胀痛,烦闷不舒,舌苔白腻,脉弦。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- Lingering headahce, dizziness, vertigo, lassitude, lustreless face, pain relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold, overstrain or mental stress, weak, thready pulse, thin, white tongue coating. 痛势绵绵,头晕目眩,神疲乏力,面色无华,喜暖畏冷,操劳或用脑过度则加重,脉细弱,舌质淡,苔薄白。
- The character of tongue and pulse: pale tongue or pale red (violet) tongue occupied 83%, white tongue coating occupied 87%, thin tongue coating occupied 63%, deep and thready pulse occupied 33%, weak pulse occupied 29%, and wiry pulse occupied 25%. 舌脉象特点:舌质淡或淡红(紫)83%25,苔白(87%25)或薄(63%25),脉或沉细(33%25),或弱无力(29%25),或弦(25%25)。
- After recorded tongue picture,we detected the changes of morphological index of exfoliated cells of tongue coating:maturation index(MI), maturation value(MV) and chemical index: lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), acid phosphatase(ACP). 记录舌象后,进行舌苔脱落细胞形态学指标成熟指数(MI)、成熟价值(MV)及化学指标乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)检测。
- Arthragra involving one or several joints, local redness, swelling and excruciating pain with limitation of morement, accompanied by fever and thirst, yellow tongue coating rolling and rapid pulse. 关节疼痛,痛不可触,痛处灼热红肿,活动受限,可涉及一个或多个关节,兼有发热,口渴,苔黄,脉滑数。
- That woman has the most viperine tongue! 那个女人有最恶毒的舌头!