- To join by means of a tongue and groove. 嵌用舌片和槽沟进行联接
- tongue and groove labyrinth 舌槽迷宫式
- Profile are made by tongue and groove style, product is by natural finish without treating, available for indoor and outdoor wall decoration. Wood can be by cedar and pine. 档案是由舌及沟槽式的,产品是由天然整理未经治疗,可用于室内和室外的墙壁装饰。木材,可以由杉树和松树
- join tongue and groove, in carpentry. 在木工工作中用舌片和槽沟联结。
- Barefaced tongue and groove joint 楔槽榫
- tongue and groove seal contact face 榫槽密封面
- Loose plate steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face 榫槽面平焊环板式松套钢制管法兰
- Steel pipe blank flanges with tongue and groove face 榫槽面钢制管法兰盖
- Steel pipe welding neck flanges with tongue and groove face 榫槽面对焊钢制管法兰
- Integral steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face for PN 2.5 MPa (25 bar) GB/T9113.;17-1988pn2
- Integral steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face for PN 5.0 MPa (50 bar) GB/T9113.;19-1988pn5
- Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face 榫槽面带颈平焊钢制管法兰
- Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face 榫槽面带颈承插焊钢制管法兰
- Asbestos rubber gaskets for steel pipe flanges with tongue and groove face 榫槽面型钢制管法兰用石棉橡胶垫片
- For god's sake hold your tongue and let me love. 看在上帝的面上,闭上嘴让我爱你吧。
- Watch your tongue and act like a lady. 注意你的措辞,行为检点一点。
- The naughty boy protruded his tongue and ran away. 那个淘气的男孩伸出舌头就跑掉了。
- The doctor looked at my tongue and felt my pulse. 看了看我的舌头并且为我切了脉。
- Even my tongue and my gums were brightly colored. 甚至我的舌和我的口香糖都被涂成了鲜艳的颜色。
- But I bit my tongue and was a courteous hostess. 但是我咬着牙坚持做一个有礼貌的主人。