- tonal brilliance 音亮度, 音逼真度
- Giving a momentary or superficial impression of brilliance. 闪烁的,炫耀的给人以短暂或表面印象的光彩或才华的
- The moon pales the stars with her brilliance. 月光以她的光华使星星黯然失色。
- Folk music everywhere seems to be tonal. 各地的民间音乐看来都是有调性的音乐。
- Are the melodies modal, tonal, or post-tonal? 他们是中古教会调式,音调得,后音乐调式?
- Everyone marveled at the young writer's brilliance. 人人都对这位年轻作家的才华感到惊讶。
- His brilliance was allowed by all. 没有人不承认他的才华过人。
- A candle is a measure of the brilliance of a light. 坎德拉是辉度的量度单位。
- To be tonal, music must be based on a scale. 为了做到有调性,音乐必须以一个音阶为基
- To lose vigor, brilliance, or liveliness. 失去活力,失去光泽,不快乐
- Are the harmonies modal or tonal? 这些和弦是调式的还是音调的?
- A high degree of emotion, intensity, or brilliance. 白热化高度热情、热烈或辉煌
- Are the melodies modal or tonal? 这些音调是调式的还是音调的?
- In a negative copy the tonal values are reversed. 在音像拷贝中,色调值是反转的。
- Abstract: Mandarin is a tonal language. 文摘:汉语普通话是一种带声调的语言。
- There was no joy in the brilliance of sunshine. 尽管阳光无比灿烂,却没有什么宜人的乐趣。
- Lumber primary colors is first-rate tonal! 木材原色是最佳的色调!
- Brilliance does not excuse bad manners. 才华不能成为无礼行为的正当理由
- Black patent leather with tonal sequins. 专业黑色鞋面皮革,鞋面系有黑色亮片。
- Her first novel showed signs of brilliance. 她的第一部小说显示了她的非凡才华。