- tobacco use cessation 吸烟戒断
- They perceive alcohol and tobacco use as symbols of manhood. 他们觉得饮酒和吸烟是具有男子汉气质的标志。
- Tobacco used to form the body of a cigar. 作烟心的烟草用来构成卷烟体的烟草
- The tobacco used to form the core of a cigar. 用于填充雪茄心的烟草。
- Tobacco use, indoor and outdoor air pollution and occupational dusts and chemicals are the primary risk factors. 烟草使用、室内外空气污染与职业灰尘和化学品是主要的高危因素。
- Four decades of tobacco use took an immense toll on her lungs and she was diagnosed with COPD. 四十年的烟草使用严重损害了她的肺,她被诊断患有慢性阻塞性肺病。
- After decades of tobacco use, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) developed. 在使用烟草几十年后,她出现了慢性阻塞性肺病。
- Avoid tobacco use: Tobacco in every form is very harmful to health - cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or chewable tobacco. 避免使用烟草:无论是纸烟、雪茄、烟斗或是咀嚼烟草,烟草都对健康有害。
- India, Indonesia, Russia and the United States, in that order, follow China in tobacco use. 印度,印度尼西亚,俄罗斯和美国在该项命令,跟随中国在烟草使用。
- The Motion Picture Association of America, or MPAA unveiled new rules affecting tobacco use in films. 美国电影协会公布了关于电影中使用抽烟镜头新的规定。
- The World Health Organization says,there are 3 major causes:tobacco use,physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet. 世界卫生组织说;有3个主要原因:烟草使用;身体不活动和一个不健康的节食.
- The W.H.O. says in a major new report that raising taxes is the single most effective way to reduce tobacco use. 世界卫生组织说在新的主要报告中显示争加赋税是唯一最有效减少香烟使用的方式。
- Tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. 烟草使用是导致一系列慢性病,包括癌症、肺病和心血管病的主要危险因素之一。
- Changes in diet, physical activity, and tobacco use in both rich and poor countries, have dramatically increased the risks of chronic disease. 富裕国家和贫穷国家饮食、身体活动和烟草使用方面的变化已显著增加慢性病的危险。
- The World Health Organization says there are three major causes: tobacco use, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet. 国际健康组织说有三个主要原因:吸烟,缺少体力锻炼和不健康的饮食。
- The M is for monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies. The P is for protecting people by establishing smoke-free areas. 并购是用于监测烟草使用和预防政策。为P是最大限度地保护人民通过建立无烟区。
- These include a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tobacco use, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity or poor nutrition. 包括高血压,高胆固醇,吸烟,糖尿病,肥胖,缺乏运动和营养不良。
- The World Health Organization says there are three major causes:tabacco causes: tobacco use, physical inactivity , and the an unhealthy diet. 每天至少30分钟的体育锻炼,出足够多的汗也有所帮助。同时,好的睡眠对健康也很重要。
- Invite a doctor to come in to talk about the ads in the medical journals.Which ads depict diseases caused by tobacco use? 邀请一位医生参加谈论医学刊物上的广告,哪一些广告描述香烟引起的疾病?
- The World Health Organization says there are three major causes, : tobacco use, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet. 世界卫生组织说主要有三个因素导致心脏病:吸烟,不做运动和不健康的饮食。