- If the tobacco plant is eaten, it can quickly poison a person. 如果吃了烟草,人就会很快中毒。
- These are tobacco plants, the only natural source of nicotine. 这些是烟叶,提炼尼古丁的惟一自然资源。
- Polonium-210 is also present in the fine tobacco hairs, coming from the phosphorus fertilizer used in growing tobacco plant. 烟草上的茸毛含有微量钋210,主要是来自土壤和菸草使用的磷肥。
- A colorless, poisonous alkaloid, C10H14N2, derived from the tobacco plant and used as an insecticide. It is the substance in tobacco to which smokers can become addicted. 尼古丁无色有毒生物碱,C10H14N2,从烟草中提取被用作杀虫剂,它是烟草中致使吸烟者上瘾的物质
- Any of various flowering annual or perennial herbs of the genus Nicotiana,native to the Americas and including the tobacco plant and ornamental species with fragrant flowers. 烟草属,一种源于美洲的箭羽烟草花属开花的一年或多年生草本植物,包括烟草植物和带有芳香花朵的装饰性种类。
- A colorless,poisonous alkaloid,C10H14N2,derived from the tobacco plant and used as an insecticide. It is the substance in tobacco to which smokers can become addicted. 尼古丁无色有毒生物碱,C10H14N2,从烟草中提取被用作杀虫剂,它是烟草中致使吸烟者上瘾的物质。
- Any of various flowering annual or perennial herbs of the genus Nicotiana, native to the Americas and including the tobacco plant and ornamental species with fragrant flowers. 烟草属一种源于美洲的箭羽烟草花属开花的一年或多年生草本植物,包括烟草植物和带有芳香花朵的装饰性种类
- The results showed that under shading, the dry matter accumulation of tobacco plant reduced, leaf Made became thinner, pigment content increased, and maturing time prolonged. 结果表明:遮荫条件下烟株干物质积累下降,叶片组织变薄,色素含量升高,落黄成熟时间延长;
- It undrew the prelude of transgenic breeding that the company of Monsanto Company obtained the first transgenic tobacco plant which had resistance to tobacco virus by transgenic technique in 1986. 1986年美国孟山都公司利用转基因技术获得了第一株抗病毒病的转基因烟草植株,拉开了转基因育种的序幕。
- One project involves tobacco plants genicly genetically engineered to keep their lives leaves during water shortages. 计划包括烟草作物基因工程改造使它们在缺水的情况下不掉叶子。
- Disease-tolerance of transgenic tobacco plants expressing Ah-AMP gene of Amaranthus hypochondriacus. 抗草甘膦抗虫植物表达载体的构建及其转基因烟草的分析。
- The destructive larva of a noctuid moth (Heliothis virescens) that feeds on tobacco plants in the southern United States and cotton plants in Peru. 烟草夜蛾幼虫:一种破坏性很大的夜蛾幼虫(烟蚜夜蛾实夜蛾属),以美国南部的烟草植物和秘鲁的棉花植物为食
- The results indicated that yeast ALO was expressed in several lines of transgenic tobacco plants, and ascorbic acid was enriched. 本文结果表明,部分转酵母ALO基因的烟草表达了ALO活性,并提高了抗坏血酸含量,转基因植物的抗逆性有待进一步研究。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The results showed that: 1) Transformation with phytase gene affected the growth performance of tobacco plants at reproductive stage. 结果表明:1)转植酸酶基因对烟草植物的生殖生长具有一定的影响。
- The pea lectin gene was transformed into the haploid tobacco via Agrobacterium mediation using leaf disc method and the regenerated tobacco plants were obtained. 通过农杆菌介导,采用叶盘法将豌豆凝集素基因转化单倍体烟草,获得了转基因再生植株。
- The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco. 空气中弥漫着烟草的气味。
- TMV was inoculated to tobacco plants during different periods, The method of TAS-ELISA was used to test and analyze all 370 samples from different periods. 选择不同时期烟株接种烟草花叶(TMV),并在不同时期取样,应用TAS-ELISA法对370个样品进行了检测分析。
- Comparatively, ploughing green manures back could not only supply nutrients for tobacco plants, but also improve the soil quality and bring about higher economic benefit. 相比而言,种植和翻压绿肥增加生产成本少、效益高,并具有改良土壤和向烟株提供养分的双重作用。
- Comparatively, ploughing green manures back could not only supply nutrients for tobacco plants, but also improve the oil quality and bring about higher economic benefit. 相比而言,种植和翻压绿肥增加生产成本少、效益高,并具有改良土壤和向烟株提供养分的双重作用。