- Racism still exists to varying degrees. 种族主义仍不同程度地存在着。
- To varying degrees of implementation. 到了不同程度的实施。
- To varying degrees, witnesses are vulnerable to suggestibility. 七、 证人或多或少会受暗示影响,亦可能受到警方或律师所提出的引导性问题影响。即使是只对提问的用词作细微修改,也足以产生不同的答案。
- Some comrades have criticized themselves to varying degrees. 一些同志也程度不同地进行了自我批评。
- This tendency can be found to varying degrees in more than a few newspapers. 这种情况,不少报纸都不同程度地存在。
- It diversified widely into areas such as aerospace,power and telecommunications to varying degrees of success. 菲亚特还广泛涉足航天、动力、电信等领域,并取得了不同程度的成功。
- The major clinical manifestation are proteinuria, hypertension, oedema to varying degrees. 主要临床表现是持续性蛋白尿、血压、同程度的水肿和肾功能损害。
- While on antrum, inflammatory cells infiltrated into the entire layer of mucosa to varying degrees. 因此,有人把前者称为典型的浅表性胃炎,把后者称为慢性单纯性胃炎。
- All have embarked on the route of opening their markets and liberalizing their domestic economies to varying degrees. 这些国家都开放了市场,在不同程度上放宽了它们的国内经济。
- The living standards of the people, with a few exceptions, have improved to varying degrees. 总的说来,除了个别例外,全国人民的生活,都有了不同程度的改善。
- Combined with hypertension, these processes lead to varying degrees of cerebral edema and myocardial insufficiency. 这些病变过程如伴有高血压,可导致不同程度的脑水肿及心肌的功能不全。
- This said, most deaf children will become bilingual and bicultural to varying degrees. 也就是说,大部分的聋小孩将会在双语及双文化的程度上有很大的不同。
- Yan'an: the scenic tourist Jie Dailiang the same period in previous years have increased to varying degrees. 延安:各景区的游客接待量比往年同期均有不同程度增加。
- Thiazole orange* (TO) is a permeant dye and enters all cells, live and dead, to varying degrees. TO是渗透染料能够进入所有的细胞,活的,死的,不同程度的细胞。
- The nodules are patchy in distribution, involving different parts of the lung to varying degrees. 结节呈斑片状分布,不同程度累及各个肺野。
- The "quiet area" has not been delisting, residential quality of life also improved to varying degrees. 首批“安静小区”不仅没有被摘牌的,小区的生活品质还不同程度有所提高。
- K, K, the impact of the atypical pneumonia, all developments are subject to varying degrees of impact. ?K?K由于非典型肺炎的影响,各行各业的发展都受到不同程度的影响。
- Rongshui 20 townships throughout the county were affected to varying degrees, the worst affected county. 融水全县20个乡镇均不同程度受灾,县城受灾最为严重。
- In the next financial year,we will adopt appropriate measures,where possible,to ease to varying degrees the burdens of the people. 在下一个财政年度,我们会采取一些适当措施,在可能的范围内,减轻市民不同程度的负担。
- Fine-grained query of your XML data, for example, predicate evaluation on XML nodes, is supported to varying degrees in the two storage options. 在两个存储选项中,对XML数据的精细查询(例如,XML节点上的谓词评估)得到不同程度的支持。