- It rests with you to make the next move. 下一步怎么办就取决于你了。
- A kind of plastic stuff is used to make the plates. 这些盘子是用一种塑料制造的。
- I plan to busk in some busy streets to make the money I need for the travel. 我计划在一些繁华的路段进行街头表演,筹钱去旅行。
- I am disposed to make a substantial contribution if you can convince me that the money will be well spent. 如果你能使我相信那钱将花到正当的地方,我盛气凌人昨一份大贡献。
- Several of the younger politicians seemed determined to make the sparks fly by their strong criticisms of the minister's plans. 好几位较年轻的从政者似乎决心以强烈批评部长诸项计划的方式激起争论。
- It took a bit of pressure to make the lid close. 要稍按一下才能把盖子盖紧。
- Jian money, you have to make the Jian money! 搛钱,你要拼命的搛钱!
- He decided to make the best of a bad bargain and borrow the money from the company. 他为了力图挽回逆境而不惜向这个公司借钱。
- It was reserved for him to make the admirable discovery. 那项令人赞赏的发现注定由他完成。
- Mister Beeman gave her the money to make the final payment on her plane in Dallas. 比曼先生给她钱,最终完全付清了她的飞机款,她的飞机在达拉斯。
- It requires more thinking to make the money dishonestly, but the rewards may be great. 想挣些不光彩的钱需多动一些脑筋,但酬劳还是可观的。
- Various metals are used to make the parts of this machine. 这部机器的零件是用多种金属制造的。
- The first thing he does after getting up is to make the bed. 他起床后的第一件事就是整理床铺。
- The net result of tax changes was to make the rich even richer. 税制改革的最后结果是使有钱的人更有钱。
- I'm too tired to made the scene; let's go home. 我太累了不能出席了,让我们回家吧。
- It will cost a lot of money to make the room over. 把房间翻修一下要花许多钱。
- Try to make ends meet, you're a slave to the money then you die. 向死而生,但为金银,好比以钱偿命。
- Two widths of cloth were joined to make the curtain. 是用两幅布料拼成的这个帘子。
- Measures were taken to made the nonproductive expenses remain down. 已采取措施以不使非生产性开支增加。
- It proved worthwhile to make the trip. 此行证明是值得的。