- She went through her work at a gallop. 她飞快地把工作完成了。
- There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices. 人们在家里而不是在办公室里工作的趋势日益增长。
- to work at a gallop 工作速度快.
- It is rough on him to work at Christmas. 他很倒楣,在耶诞节还要工作。
- It will be nice to work at a company with good housing. 如果公司有好的宿舍,就很理想了。
- I used to work at a tobacconist's,and I found it quite interesting. 从前我在一家纸烟店工作,我对那里的工作很感兴趣。
- Sometimes he had to work at high pressure. 有时候他必须使劲地工作。
- They are coming at a gallop towards us. 他们正朝着我们飞跑过来。
- Events were proceeding at a gallop. 事情正在迅速进行之中
- Be self-confident and optimistic. Be able to work at a feverish pitch. 自信、乐观,具有高度的工作热情.
- Gallop: Events were proceeding at a gallop. 事情正在迅速进行之中。
- The father, an electrician, was headed to New York to work at a power plant. 父亲,电工飞往纽约工作,在电厂。
- The boy does his work at a snail's pace. 小男孩慢吞吞地做作业。
- The horse went off at a gallop across the field. 那匹马疾驰起来跑过田野。
- Scores of people have applied to work at a Rhode Island's strip club. 本内特教皇周日参加了一个非洲人民欢庆聚会。
- It suits me to start work at a later time. 对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。
- Never got to see Europe; finally got to work at home. 从未能去看看欧洲; 最终只能在家工作
- To work as a barker, as at a carnival. 大叫大喊招徕顾客如在巡回演出的游艺团里当招徕观众的人
- I desire you to set to work at once. 我希望你立即开始工作。
- To work as a barker,as at a carnival. 大叫大喊招徕顾客如在巡回演出的游艺团里当招徕观众的人