- to unplug a refrigerator 拔掉冰箱的电源插头
- Crammer 10: How long to unplug a white hair meets 3? 谎言10:拔掉一根白头发会多长三根?
- The default is to come up read-only - very nice for a system that you may want to unplug a lot. 缺省情况为只读这对于您可能希望经常拔下设备的系统来说是再好不过了。
- I'm saving up for a refrigerator. 我在省钱买一台电冰箱。
- We are planning to buy a refrigerator . 我们正计划买一台电冰箱。
- We are planning to buy a refrigerator. 我们正计划买一台电冰箱。
- To buy a refrigerator on hire purchase. 用分期付款或租购的方法购买电冰箱。
- The dials on the front allow you to select an icon to represent what you have plugged in, so you don't need to jiggle and tug on the cables when you want to unplug a specific device. 你可以在前面板上的圆形按钮盘上按下图标以显示每个插头所插的物品,这样当你要拔掉某个电器的时候,你就不会为了从繁杂的电缆中顺藤摸瓜而烦恼了。
- Does that look like a refrigerator to you? 这看上去是不是 象你所说的冰箱?
- A refrigerator was then a luxury. 那时候冰箱是种奢侈品。
- This is a refrigerator of distinction. 这是一台优质电冰箱。
- Perishable food should be stored in a refrigerator. 易腐的食物应储存在冰箱里。
- Are you sure you want to unplug this device? 您确实要拔出这个设备吗?
- Select the device that you want to unplug. 选择您想拔出的设备。
- Set aside one evening this week to unplug the TV. 在这星期,找一天晚上关掉电视。
- I see a refrigerator in the dining room. 我在餐室里看见了一个电冰箱。
- I saw a refrigerator in the dining room. 我在餐室里看见了一个电冰箱。
- What stays hot even if put in a refrigerator? 什么东西就是放在冰箱里也是热的?
- Milk will keep for several days in a refrigerator. 牛奶在冰箱里可以保存几天。
- We have a refrigerator in our kitchen. 我们厨房里有一台冰箱。