- To underwrite, as an insurance policy. 承保承保,作为一项保险措施
- He still needs someone to underwrite the paper. 他依然需要某个人承受股票。
- To underwrite,as an insurance policy. 承保承保,作为一项保险措施
- No bank would be willing to underwrite such a loss. 没有哪家银行愿意承担这样的损失。
- A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds. 一个由10家国际银行组成的银团将包销及出售这些债券。
- Your thinking is sound, but we lack the funds to underwrite your proposal. 你的想法很好,但我们缺乏基金以支援你的提议。
- They have undertaken to underwrite a large proportion of the supermarket's deficits. 他们已承诺支付该超级市场赤字的一大部分。
- To underwrite insurance policies with death as the conditions for payment for people incapable of civil acts. (二)为无民事行为能力人承保以死亡为给付保险金条件的保险的。
- The school receives no government funding and relies on fundraising to underwrite its low fee structure. 该学校不享受政府拨款资助,整个组织的低成本架构是通过非官方经费来源的集资维持。
- Public institutions will survive these cutbacks because state monies will continue to underwrite operating expenses. 公立院校将渡过这种削减的困难,因为州财政将同意继续承担办学费用。
- Companies needed to raise billions of dollars by issuing shares and bonds; somebody had to underwrite them. 各大企业需求大量美金来发放股票和债务;那就要一些人为其担保承诺。
- Many banks have already agreed to underwrite deals and are finding that they cannot sell the debt on to investors. 许多银行业已同意订立交易,但发现他们眼下愈来愈难以向投资人出售债务。
- Intrigued by the thermomagnetic motor concept, Peck offered to underwrite Tesla's research. 佩克对这个热磁马达的概念感兴趣,愿意资助特士拉的研究。
- Mr.Kunder said a major thrust of the U.S. effort will be to underwrite local clean-up projects. 昆德表示,美国努力的一个主要方面将是起草制订当地的清理计划。
- Grant foreign banks the right to underwrite bond on the same terms as local banks. 准许外国银行有权按本土银行同样的条件从事债券保险业务。
- Few brokerages have the skills or financial wherewithal to underwrite a public equity offering. 几乎没有哪家券商有技能或财力来承销股票公开发行。
- Plans are also under way to underwrite securities and develop a trading platform. 同时,证券承销和开发交易平台的计划也正在运作之中。
- To underwrite securities, a securities company shall examine the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the public offer documents. 证券公司承销证券,应当对公开发行募集文件的真实性、准确性、完整性进行核查;
- The architect, patron and prime beneficiary of this system, the US, is simply no longer powerful enough to underwrite it. 美国是这个全球金融体系的创建者、资金提供国和最大受益方,如今却无力承担责任了。
- The debate was never resolved because, oddly enough, no one ran the experiment until 1991, when a maverick named Hugh Loebner decided to underwrite it with his own money. 争论从来都没有过结果,因为--很奇怪的是--从来都没人做过这个实验,直到1991年,一个叫做休·罗布纳的独立人士决定花自己的钱来支持这一实验。