- to travel third class 乘三等车(或舱)旅行
- This ticket doesn't entitle you to travel first class. 你这张票不能坐头等位。
- She was travelling third class. 她坐的是三等舱[车]。
- Passenger ships are a costly way to travel. 坐游轮是昂贵的旅行方法。
- It saves a lot of time to travel by air. 乘飞机旅行节约很多时间。
- I travel always by the third class. 旅行我总是坐三等。
- I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我愿意坐在汽车的前面。
- I always travel by the third class. 我旅行总是坐三等舱。
- Dogs that have GREAT potential to be Third Class? 最有潜力成为第三等的犬?
- It's wrong to travel by bus without pay your fare. 乘公共汽车不买票是不对的。
- He prefers to travel in a seat near the window. 他坐车、 船、 飞机都喜欢坐靠窗户的座位。
- They traveled to Shanghai in third class. 他们乘三等舱去上海。
- You have a golden opportunity to travel and learn. 你有一个旅游和学习的绝好机会。
- We couldn't induce the old lady to travel by air. 我们无法劝服那老太太乘飞机旅行。
- They have an itch to travel abroad. 他们渴望去国外旅行。
- When visiting London I like to travel by bus. 我游览伦敦时喜欢坐公共汽车。
- You are not entitled to travel first class. 你没有资格乘坐头等舱位。
- We took a ship by waterway to travel. 我们乘船经水路去旅行。
- The P&G uses third class to mail free samples of soap. P&G公司以三类邮件寄出免费肥皂样品。
- Officers are entitled to travel first class. 官员有权坐头等舱。