- I adjure you to tell the truth before this court. 我要求你对本庭说实话。
- She cannot be relied on to tell the truth. 别指望她能说真话。
- To tell the truth, I don't agree to your plan. 老实讲,我不同意你的计划。
- To tell the truth, I don't think you're right. 说实话,我认为你不对。
- Thanks for the drink, but to tell the truth I prefer tea to coffee. 谢谢你的饮料,不过说实话,我喜欢茶胜于咖啡。
- To tell the truth, I don't like disco. 说实话,我不喜欢迪斯科。
- To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle. 老实说,我在中间睡著了。
- To tell the truth, I don't know much about it. 说实在话,我对这件事知道得不多。
- To tell the truth, I do not like disco. 说实话,我不喜欢迪斯科。
- To tell the truth,I fall asleep in the middle. 老实说,我在中间睡著了。
- To tell the truth, I do not think you are right. 说实话,我认为你不对。
- A witness in court is obligated to tell the truth . 证人在法庭上有义务讲清事实真象。
- He wisely decided to tell the truth. 他明智地决定实话实说。
- Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth. 别忘记,你宣过誓要讲实话。
- His conscience compelled him to tell the truth. 他的良心促使他讲出了真情。
- It takes a lot of courage to tell the truth. 说真话需要很大的勇气。
- To tell the truth, I failed in the exam. 说实话,我考试没及格。
- To tell the truth, this is all Greek to me. 说实话,我对此一窍不通。
- To tell the truth, this is almost cost price. 说实话,这差不多就是成本价了。
- To tell the truth, your English is not very good. 跟你说实话吧,你的英语并不是太好。