- To take cover or lie in or as if in a kennel. 待在或躺在狗窝或类似狗窝的地方
- It rained so hard we had to take cover in a shop doorway. 雨下得太大了,我们只得在商店出入口处避雨。
- They dropped down to take cover when the bullets whistled past their ears. 当子弹从耳边呼啸而过时,他们卧倒隐蔽起来。
- The rain came down so suddenly that they had to take cover in an abandoned barn. 雨下得很突然,他们只好在一个废弃的谷仓里避雨。
- Holliman decided that they had to take cover, so they scuttled into a patch of scrub. 霍利曼决定他们必须躲避,因此他们逃进了一片灌木丛。
- The dusting with red dust should be considered a warning to take cover, under metal or sod roof structures, out of the wind. 红色尘埃的沙尘暴应被认为是一个应该立即隐蔽在金属屋顶或草皮屋顶的避风的建筑里的警告。
- Kratos looks to the other side of the ship to see a row of undead archers striking down ship men that are trying to take cover. 克瑞托斯看到另外一边的一条船,那上面的一些不死怪物将那些试图寻找掩护的船员们一一射死。
- This stripped away camouflage from the pillboxes, ripped up the barded-wire obstacles, set off hundreds of mines, and forced the Germans to take cover. 炮击掀掉了碉堡的伪装,扯烂了铁丝网障碍,引爆了成百颗地雷,迫使德军东躲西藏。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。
- Would you be kind enough to take a message to him? 拜托您捎个信儿给他。
- He sat under the linden to take a break. 他坐在菩提树下休息。
- A holiday would help to take her out of herself. 她要是去度假就能散散心。
- You'll just have to take what I say on trust. 你只管相信我说的话就是了。
- Are you going to take the challenge lying down? 你打算屈服于这种挑战吗?
- He knows how to take a joke and make one. 他经得起别人开自己的玩笑,也会开别人的玩笑。
- As the Totenkopf followed on behind, its columns were strafed by waves of Russian aircraft and it was forced to take cover in nearby woods after Luftwaffe fighter support did not materialize. “骷髅”师紧随前进,,部队遭到了苏联空军的袭击,在空军赶来之前被迫躲进了附近的森林。
- I'd like you to take this bracelet as a gift. 我希望你把这手镯礼物收下。
- I'm going to buy some souvenirs to take home. 我准备去买点纪念品带回国。
- I don't know where she got the strength from, but she grabbed one child under each arm and ran back inside the house to take cover ... when I remembered this scene, I found that my eyes were teary. 像许多十九世纪末出国华工一样,邝富灼初到美国时,就在三藩市及萨克利缅度的唐人街中找生活。但他的人生历程和际遇却与许多早期移民美国的华工(猪仔/苦力)及商人都不同。
- The truck driver refused to take any more goods. 卡车司机拒绝装更多的货物。