- to silence the different views 压制不同意见
- The teacher tried to silence the pupils. 老师设法让学生们安静下来。
- They tried to silence the noisy crowd. 他们设法使喧闹的人群静下来。
- The speaker tried to silence the angry crowd . 讲话者试图使愤怒的人群安静下来。
- Success is the best weapon to silence scoffers. 成功是让嘲笑者闭嘴的最好武器。
- The teacher's stern look reduced him to silence. 教师神情严肃,他便静了下来。
- The different views of these different parties occasion all confusion. 一个不同政党的不同观点是一切混乱之源。
- Blockage of night to silence the poor flowers, forget the beautiful tragedy. 黑夜的堵塞物让沉默可怜的花,忘记了美丽的悲剧。
- This action smirch the true meaning of love . Maybe everyone has the different view about this,this is juts my view. 这种行为真的沾污了爱情真正的意义;也许每个人对待这方面的看法都不一样;这只是我的看法.
- The different views can't change its specialty that it flows like water and moves in transience. 不论大家怎么看待它,都不会影响它动如流水,忽而缥缈无踪的特性。
- The silencer is supposed to silence the engine noise. 据说消音器是用来消除引擎的噪声的。
- The echoes had pulsed themselves to silence. 回声阵阵震荡,直到沉静下来。
- HERRELL and LI Shao-Ming have offered the different views to this point with the firm discussions. 郝瑞与李绍明对于此点有过观点有异,论述坚实的讨论。
- This fact will be alone sufficient to silence the tongues of malignant calumniators. 单凭这件事,就足以封住恶意中伤的家伙的嘴巴。
- It is not asserted that the most popular view or some sort of intermediate view among the different views is the correct one. 并不能断言最为人所接受的,或是几个看法折衷出的看法,就是对的。
- Objective:To silence the expression of HPV16 E6 gene in Ca Ski cell line with RNA interference technique. 目的:采用RNA干扰技术选择性的沉默宫颈癌Ca Ski细胞株中HPV-16 E6基因的表达。
- With the commercialization and mechanization era,tu bu modern technology tends to silence the impact of the textile. 随着商品化、机械化时代的到来,土布工艺受到现代纺织的冲击趋于沉寂。
- Kerry Dixon scoring two fantastic breakaway goals back in 1986 to silence the Stretford End. 1986年在老特拉福德,肯里.;狄克逊的两粒完美入球让所有的曼联球迷闭上了嘴巴。
- This paper deals with the different views abroad and home on setting up hi-tech industry park by copying Silicon Valley, and it develops the agglomeration networks theory. 摘要本文介绍了目前在关于拷贝硅谷、建设高新科技园区问题上国内外不同的观点,提出聚集网络理论。
- Apple's repeated refusal to comment on such a "personal matter" did little to silence the rumour-mongers. 苹果公司一再拒绝对这个“私人问题”作出评论的做法未能令散步流言者安静下来。