- to shut a china closet 锁好瓷器橱
- The boy is too young to shut a clasp - knife . 小男孩太小,还合不上折刀。
- The boy is too young to shut a clasp-knife. 小男孩太小,还合不上折刀。
- The boy is too young to shut a clasp - knife. 小男孩太小,还合不上折刀。
- I have half a mind to shut him up. 我有点想把他关起来。
- So Meg reclined, with rubbers well hidden, and Jo went blundering away to the dining room, which she found after going into a china closet, and opening the door of a room where old Mr. 说完玫就靠在沙发上歇着了,乔先把玫的高根鞋收好了,然后便楞头楞脑地往餐厅奔去,可是她并不知道餐厅在哪儿,先是发现自己闯进了一间瓷器间,然后又发现自己开错了另一扇门,在那扇门里老加迪纳先生正在小憩呢,最后乔好不容易找到了餐厅。
- He managed a circus, but when the war came he had to shut up shop. 他经营一家马戏团,战争开始后,他只好停止营业了。
- Virus tries to shut a variety of software that reduce toxin, the network safety belt that gives an user will browbeat. 病毒试图关闭多种杀毒软件,给用户的网络安全带来威胁。
- Some coal-mines had to shut down. 有些煤矿不得不关闭。
- This a china teapot belongs to my grandmother. 这个瓷质茶壶是祖母的。
- He's excused himself to shut a door, a vain attempt to muffle the din of clashing light sabres and other frankly weird clanging noises. 海登为自己必须把门关上表示歉意,他试图减轻那些光剑的撞击声以及其他相当古怪的叮当声引发的喧闹,不过好象没什么用处。
- I have half a mind to shut her up. 我很想把她关起来。
- I'll have to shut up shop early tonight. 今晚我得早点打烊。
- A china statuette of a shepherdess stood on the table. 桌上有一个牧羊女的小瓷像。
- Business is not good. He'll have to shut the shop. 生意不好,他只得打算停业。
- A fire watcher; a China watcher. 火灾值班人; 中国观察者
- Occurs when a thread is about to shut down. 在某线程即将关闭时发生。
- Never miss a good chance to shut up. 该闭嘴的好机会定要抓住。
- She tried to shut all pessimistic thoughts out of her mind. 她努力从头脑中排除一切悲观的想法。
- They did not like a bull in a china shop like him. 他们不喜欢象他这样鲁莽闯祸的人。