- to scarper without paying 不付账溜走
- It's wrong to travel by bus without pay your fare. 乘公共汽车不买票是不对的。
- It stands to reason that nobody will work without pay. 做工作不能白做,这是明摆著的事。
- He breezed in without paying attention to anyone. 他信步走了进来,对谁也不加注意。
- He breezed out without paying attention to anyone. 他飘然而云,对谁也不理睬。
- She skipped off without paying her bill. 她没有付帐就溜走了。
- I don't like to accept it without paying for it. 我不愿意不付钱而接受它。
- Tom breezed out without paying attention to anyone. 汤姆飘然而去,对谁都不理睬。
- He leaves the country without pay his bill. 他在未付帐的情况下离开这个国家。
- It is illegal to sell salt without paying the tax. 贩卖私盐是违法的。
- Offence of remove goods without pay for them or of refuse to pay a bill. 拿走货物不付钱或者拒绝付账,这是犯法行为。
- Her tenant left, bag and baggage, without paying the rent. 她的房客未付房租就带著全部财物离去了。
- They were made to work for him without pay. 他们被迫为他无偿地劳动。
- It's wrong to travel by bus without paying your fare. 乘公共汽车不买票是不对的。
- He ran up a large bill at the hotel and then did a bunk without paying. 他欠了旅馆一大笔钱,没有付款便匆忙逃走了。
- Her claim to be a journalist was simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying. 她自称是记者,这只是个看戏不买票的花招而已。
- We had inadvertently left without paying the bill. 我们无意之中未付账就离开了。
- The tenant moved out without paying his rent. 房客没有交房租就搬走了。
- She skipped out without paying her bill. 她没有付帐就溜走了。
- He left without paying his bill. 他没付帐就离开了。