- I want to sail around the world. 我想乘船周游世界。
- A shaggy-haired 17-year-old from Southern California has become the youngest person to sail around the world alone. 来自南加利福尼亚州的一位头发蓬松的17岁少年成为了最年轻的独自环球航海者。
- It was his dream to sail his boat around the world. 驾驶自己的小船环球航行是他梦寐以求的理想。
- one of the first people to sail around the world 最早进行环球航行的人之一
- to sail around the world single-handed 单人环球航行
- e.g.Vinny is the first disabled person to sail around the world. 形容词补足语:在表示心理、感情、评价等的形容词后,对其进行补充说明。
- This freighter can sail around the world without doing. 这般货轮可不停靠码头作环球持续航行。
- Anywhere! I'd like to buy a boat and sail around the world. 哪儿都成!我想买条船去环游世界。
- They had ships, with one mast, probably used to sail around the Arabian Sea. 他们还有船,很可能是用来在阿拉伯海周围航行。
- Should I have enough money, I should sail around the world singlehanded. 要是我将来有了足够的钱,我就会独自一人乘船周游世界。
- They sailed around the world on their yacht. 他们以游艇航行世界。
- to sail around the world 环球航行
- I would like to take a trip around the world toward the end of this year. 我想在今年底环游世界。
- It'll be nice to travel around the world. 周游世界一定会很愉快。
- Tom made an adventurous journey by sailing around the world in his sailboat. 汤姆驾著帆船航行全世界,完成了充满危险的旅程。
- He vainly hopes to travel around the world on foot. 他梦想步行周游世界。
- The ship was due to sail the following morning. 这艘船定于第二天启航。
- The Jewish nation is scattered around the world. 犹太民族散居于世界各地。
- His decision to sail rested on his belief that the world was round. 他决定进行一次航海是因为他相信地球是圆的。