- I had to run like anything to catch the bus. 我只好拚命跑去赶公共汽车。
- to run like billy - o 跑得很快
- I had to run like hell to catch the bus. 为了赶上那辆公共汽车,我不得不拼命奔跑。
- I have to run like anything to catch the bus. 我只好拚命跑去赶公共汽车。
- I had to run like mad to catch the bus. 为了赶上公共汽车,我不得不拼命跑。
- We had to run like the devil to catch our train. 为了赶上火车,我们只好拼命地奔跑。
- He is able to run like the wind. 他跑起来象风一样。
- John is going to have to run like a deer and then some to win the race. 约翰打算象鹿一样狂奔,甚至要赢得这场比赛。
- When Mr Mays had the organizing of the school plays,they used to run like clockwork. 梅斯先生负责组织学校戏剧团的时候,一切进展都十分顺利。
- The eagle becomes enraged, anxious and helpless. He will die. if the wolf continues to run like this. 他将这样被活活拖垮,有劲使不上,他又急又怒。
- When Mr Mays had the organizing of the school plays they used to run like clockwork. 梅斯先生负责组织学校戏剧团的时候,一切进展都十分顺利。
- Terry ran like mad to catch the bus. 特里跑得飞快,去赶公共汽车。
- It's too bad we don't all have goals like Billy. 令人遗憾的是,并不是所有的人都像比利一样有人生目标。
- We may not travel luxuriously, but we shall walk safely.We may not be able to run like young men, but we shall be able to walk like good men. 我们或许不会过得很富裕,但我们日子会过得心安理得,我们虽不能像年青人那样年轻有活力,但我们能过得有尊严,受人尊敬。
- Hard training will fit them to run long distances. 严格的训练将使他们能跑长距离。
- He ran like fury to catch the bus. 他拚命奔跑去追赶公共汽车。
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- He had to run in harness with them. 他不得不同他们共同工作。
- They ran like mad to catch the bus. 他们飞奔赶上公车。
- Enemy ships tried to run the blockade. 敌军船只企图突破封锁线。