- He doesn't have to respond in predetermined, right ways. 他不必按既定计划亦步亦趋。
- He doesn't have to respond in predetermined, rigid ways. 他无须以既定的、僵硬的方式用出回应。
- to respond in damage 对损失负责
- Reminding myself of my resolution helps me to respond in the right way. 提醒自己这条决意帮助我以适当的方式做出回应。
- He failed to respond to the medicine. 他服了这药未见起色。
- In his speech Mr.Bush called on the Soviet Union to respond in kind by also getting rid of its shortrange nuclear arms. 布什先生呼吁苏联以同样方式回应,也消除他们的短程核武器。
- In my view, she is a bit too slow to respond. 在我看来,她的反应有点迟钝。
- To respond to changes in font size. 以响应字号的更改。
- The police were told not to respond in kind even when the demonstrators attacked them. 警察得到命令,即使示威者动手他们也不得还手。
- He will bear civil liability when the duties were breached,and respond in damages to others when he improper perfects his freedom judgment right and harms other's interests. 董事业务执行中因不当行使自由裁量权,而违法损害第三人利益、造成损失的,董事个人也应当向第三人承担民事责任。
- They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应。
- If you'd like to respond in Chinese, you will be required to write at least 300 words in Chinese. 如果你喜欢用中文,你将被要求写至少300个汉字。
- The capacity to respond to stimuli. 反应力对刺激的反应能力
- If you'd like to respond in English, you will be required to write at least 120 words in English. 如果你喜欢用英文,你将被要求写至少120个英语词。
- Explains how to respond to events in Visual Basic. 解释如何响应Visual Basic中的事件。
- The delay has a payoff: It allows you to prepare to respond in a more focused, efficient way. 这样的延迟有一个好处:让你能为以更集中精力和有效地方式去响应而做准备。
- But Beijing is also calling on all "relevant parties" to respond in a "coolheaded and appropriate" way. 但北京同时呼吁所有有关方面以冷静和适当的方式做出反应。
- But Poppy Al spoke to him gently and respectfully and the man seemed to respond in kind. 但埃尔祖父和他说话时很温和很尊重,那人似乎也很友善。
- Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. 敏感减轻对刺激反应能力低于正常水平
- Departments need to respond in a timely manner to avoid the double whammy of pig farmers have been. 有关部门需要及时应对,要避免养猪农民被双重打击。”