- to reset a broken bone 重接断骨
- Alice suffered a broken bone in her foot. 爱丽丝的一只脚骨折了。
- The old man can set a broken bone. 这位老汉会接骨。
- Doris suffered a broken bone in her foot. 多丽丝的一只脚骨折了。
- The old man can set a broken bone . 这位老汉会接骨。
- The medical term for a broken bone is a fracture. 医学上称骨头破裂为骨折。
- A broken bone soon knits up again. 断骨会很快接合。
- reset a broken bone. 重续断骨
- In either case, it may be necessary for you to reset a UM-enabled user's PIN. 在这两种情况下,可能都需要您重置已启用UM的用户的PIN。
- Yes,but I guess I was lucky to get away with only a broken bone. 我已经算幸运的了,只折断一根骨头。
- He added that the research aimed to work out whether it was possible to reset a specific group of overactive cells. 他补充说这项研究目的在于弄清楚是否能够重置一类特殊的活动过度的细胞。
- Yes, but I guess I was lucky to get away with only a broken bone. 我已经算幸运的了,只折断一根骨头。
- Occasionally, it might be necessary to reset a security policy to the defaults after some policy changes create undesirable side effects. 有时候,在某些策略更改造成了非预想的副作用后,可能需要将安全策略重置为默认设置。
- He tried to flog me a broken TV set. 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机。
- He sat under the linden to take a break. 他坐在菩提树下休息。
- A facility of the session service which allows presentation entities to define and identify synchronization points and to reset a session connection to a predefined state and to agree on a resynchronization point. 会话服务的一种设施,该设施可使表示层实体定义和标识同步点,将话路连接复位到预定状态以及在重新同步点同步。
- A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever. 骨头断了可以治愈好,但是言语造成的伤害将会一直恶化下去。
- If a deadlock occurs, the only solution is to reset the hardware. 如果死锁发生,唯一解决的方法是重启动硬件。
- I have to reset my watch to local time. 我得把表调到当地时间。
- He reset a patch of land with tomato plants. 他在一小块地上重新种上番茄。