- to request the purchase 请购
- Brown asked his friend to go in with him on the purchase of a ship. 布朗要他的朋友和他合伙买进一条船。
- His mother never said no to any request the child might make. 这孩子的母亲从来没有拒绝过他提出的要求。
- Having the right to request the support by Operation Dept. And FA Dept. 有权要求营运部及财务行政部的支持。
- The shop debited the purchase to my account. 商店把购货金额记入我账户的借方。
- The store debited the purchase to her account. 商店把购货金额记入她的账户的借方。
- The third party has right to request the lessee to make compensation for damages caused to it. 因承租人的无效行为给第三人造成损失的,第三人有权要求承租人赔偿。
- Because of the seriousness of the offence I have no option but to request the maximum penalty. 由于严重的过错,我被迫要求接受重罚。
- The purchase price is less if you pay by cash. 付现金的话,价钱便宜些。
- Our manager had sent me here to request the pleasure of your company at a dinner party this evening. 我们经理派我来请您光临今晚的宴会。
- Uh, I'd like to request a seat by the window. 嗯,我想要靠窗边的位置。
- This is a page to simulate the purchase process. 这是一个用来模拟购买过程的页面。
- The WS-Inspection document proxy is used to request the contents of the WS-Inspection document using a fixed name. WS-Inspection文档代理用于用固定名称请求WS-Inspection文档的内容。
- He sent the United States government the documents needed to request the legal protection for his first invention. 他致信美国政府,要求对他的第一个发明进行法律保护。
- He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books. 他把一些钱交给儿子去买学校用的课本。
- The workaround is to request the specific type of cursor, instead of depending on implicit conversion. 解决方法是请求特定类型的游标,而不是依赖于隐式转换。
- A person shall have the right to request the return of his property, if the declaration of his death has been revoked. 第二十五条被撤销死亡宣告的人有权请求返还财产。
- So please do not exceed authority to request the superintendent to close the subject. 所以请不要越权要求管理者关闭主题。
- The audience warmly applaused to request once more. 观众们热烈鼓掌要求再来一个。
- Mumbai hospitals all have a bulletin board to request the public to participate in blood donation. 中英文对照:孟买所有医院的公告板都有请求市民去参加献血的消息。