- The author chooses to remain anonymous. 作者愿不署名。
- Why did the writers wish to remain anonymous? 为什么要匿名呢?
- The donor prefers to remain anonymous. 捐赠者希望不披露姓名。
- Well, he prefers to remain anonymous. 嗯, 他喜欢保持无名
- The author wishes to remain anonymous. 作者希望姓名不公开.
- They may also choose to remain anonymous. 捐献者亦可保持匿名。
- They wishes to remain anonymous at this time. 目前他们希望保持匿名.
- The writer wishes to remain anonymous. 作者希望姓名不公开。
- The benefactor wishes to remain anonymous. 捐助者希望不留姓名。
- The writer of this article wishes to remain anonymous. 这篇文章的作者希望不署名。
- The money was donated by a local businessman who wishes to remain anonymous. 这笔款子是当地一位不愿透露姓名的企业家捐赠的。
- Now when you donate to SETI@home, a will appear next to your user name on this web site (unless you choose to remain anonymous). 现在当你向SETI项目捐款后,你在网站上的名字旁边将显示一个绿五角星(除非你选择匿名捐款)。
- A coincidence is when God performs a mi--racle, and decides to remain anonymous. 所谓巧合就是上帝创造了一个奇迹而没有留名。
- "We are responsible for the plane crash," said an official, asking to remain anonymous. "我们对飞机坠毁负有责任,"一位不愿透露姓名的官员说。
- A car dealer at a Honda dealership in San Francisco, who wanted to remain anonymous, concurred. 位于三藩市的一位不愿意透露姓名的本田经销商也同意这个说法。
- The US launch is being underwritten by Geely and "a third party who wants to remain anonymous," Harmer says. 美国开始正在被签名于下被马而且 "一个想要保持作者不详的第三者 ",伤害发言权。
- The Ironclad came from a bootleg cart dumped by a contact who wishes to remain anonymous. 铁的来自一个联络谁不愿透露姓名抛弃盗版车。
- British couples at the centre of the controversy have asked to remain anonymous and the project leaders will not even reveal where work is to be conducted. 作为争论焦点的那对英国夫妇要求不透露自己的真实姓名。克隆计划的负责人甚至不愿公开该计划进行的地点。
- Your views may be published in future. If you wish to remain anonymous when your views are published, please state so in your submission. 你的意见日后或会公开供市民参阅;如果你希望交来的意见以不具名方式公开,请清楚说明。
- GM Chief Financial Officer Ray Young said the buyer found for Hummer after a year-long sale process preferred to remain anonymous for now. 通用汽车公司首席财务长雷杨说,买方经过一年的销售过程中发现悍马意愿保持匿名到现在。