- to redeem paper money 把纸币换成硬币
- How much will it cost to redeem my watch from pawn? 从当铺将我的表赎回来要多少钱?
- He was trying to redeem himself for his earlier failure. 他试图挽回他早些时候的失败。
- Paper money is easier to carry than coin. 纸币比硬币携带方便。
- He prefers hard cash to paper money. 他宁要硬币而不要纸币。
- He tried by every means to redeem the pawn. 他千方百计要赎回典当物。
- He tried to redeem the bank loan two years ago. 两年前他就试图偿还银行贷款。
- redeem paper money 纸币换成硬币
- She is going to redeem her diamond ring. 她将赎回她的钻石戒指。
- They are planning to redeem land from the sea. 他们正在计划填海拓地。
- Because large sum of metal money is heaved and inconvenient to handle, government issue paper money. 因为大量金属货币使用起来笨重不方便,政府便发行了纸币。
- Please give us the opportunity to redeem ourselves. 请给我们弥补自己过失的机会.
- I'm going to redeem my gold watch. 我打算赎回我的金表。
- Could you tell me where to change paper money into silver? 请问在哪儿可以把纸币兑换成硬币?
- He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn. 他无法赎回典当的家具。
- To bar an equity or a right to redeem a mortgage. 取消赎回抵押品的权利
- The acting was not good enough to redeem the (awfulness of the) play. 该剧(很糟糕), 演得好也於事无补。
- I’ll turn these coins into paper money. 我将把这些硬币换成纸币。
- He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop. 他得以从当铺赎回他的表。
- Jesus Christ came to redeem us from sin. 耶稣基督来将我们从罪恶中拯救出来。