- As soon as Smiths acquired some money, they began to put on airs. 史密斯一家捞到一些钱之后,马上就开始神气十足了。
- He began to put on airs and think he was a grown-up. 他开始装腔作势,以为自己是一个成年人。
- As soon as Smiths acquired some money,they began to put on airs. 史密斯一家捞到一些钱之后,马上就开始神气十足了。
- "It's not for a deck-swab like him to put on airs," Mr. Higginbatham snorted. “他这么个起码水手,也配摆架子,”希金波森先生哼着说。
- As soon as the Joneses acquired some money,they began to put on airs. 琼斯一家捞到一些钱以后,马上就开始神气十足了。
- No sooner had she become friends wiht the boss's wife than she began to put on airs. 她刚刚跟老板的夫人交上朋友,就神气活现起来了。
- I didn't like to put on airs, and even less to arouse too many people to cater to me. 我不喜欢摆架子,更不喜欢让人家兴师动众来照顾我。
- "It's not for a deck-swab like him to put on airs," Mr. Higginbotham snorted."Particular! “像他那种擦甲板的角色,还拿什么架子,”希金波坦先生嗤之以鼻,“挑剔!
- Don't try to put on airs with me.I knew you when you were only a drugstore clerk. 甭想在我面前摆臭架子。你在杂货店当店员的时候,我就认识你。
- A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him. 一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。
- We have to put on warm clothing in winter. 冬天的时候,我们不得不穿上温暖的衣服。
- Who do you think you are to put on such airs? 你拿什么架子?
- I had to put on a sweater since it was raining hard outside. 外面在下雨,我不得不套上一件厚运动衫。
- I didn't like to put on airs, and even less to have too many people catering to me. 我不喜欢摆架子, 更不愿让人家兴师动众来照顾我。
- She had better not put on airs with me. I won't like it. 她最好不要对我摆架子,我不喜欢那一套。
- One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never put on airs. 对自尊自大与装模作样的最佳应急疗法是晕船:要呕吐的人是决不摆架子的。
- My neighbour is always putting on airs. 我的邻居总是装腔作势。
- He is trying to put on so much style. 他老是想在别人面前摆臭架子。
- He always puts on airs and talks down to others. 他总是摆架子以高人一等的口气对别人讲话。
- This water is too cold to put on to the crops. 这水太冷,不宜用于庄稼。