- The little boy used to push out his lower lip. 那个小孩以前老要撅起下嘴唇。
- We had to push our way through (the crowd). 我们只好从(人群)中挤了过去。
- I'll have to push on with my work. 我得加油干了。
- Will you help me to push up the window? 你能帮我把窗推上好吗?
- You'll have to push hard, that door is a bit stubborn. 你得用力推才行,那门不大好开。
- It will be easier for us to push the sale if you can give us more commission. 如果你们能多给我们一些佣金,就可以便于我方推销。
- You'll have to push hard; that door is a bit stubborn. 你得使劲推,那扇门有点难开。
- One has to push the child or she will do no work at all. 这孩子要有人督促,否则她什麽也不干。
- It is unwise to push antipopular policies. 推行反民众的政策是不明智。
- Frost did all he could to push his idle son on. 费罗斯特尽力促使他游手好闲的儿子有所长进。
- The little boy use what little strength he had to push the door open. 这小男孩使劲地把门推开。
- You will have to push the new product to win sales there's lots of competition. 你要努力打开新产品的销路--市场上竞争很激烈。
- Our client find it difficult to push the sale of your product at this price. 我们的客户发现按此价推销贵方产品有困难。
- Amos used to push in where he was not wanted. 艾莫斯经常不招自来,到处乱闯。
- She tried in vain to push through the crowd. 她怎么也无法从人群中挤过去。
- The trees are beginning to push out new shoots. 树开始长出嫩枝了。
- Then we started to push our way through the crowds. 于是我们开始从人群中挤过去。
- There are a lot of ways to push sale in U.S.A.. 在美国有许多促销的方法。
- They hoped to push on to Uvra the next day. 他们希望第二天推进到乌发拉。
- How to Push Forward the Interconnection? 如何推动互联互通?