- All men shall be free to profess. 任何人都应该有自由去宣说。
- to profess Christianity 声称信奉基督教
- She is going to profess modern languages. 她打算教授现代语。
- She is going to profess modern languages . 她打算教授现代语。
- To profess, as a religious belief. 表明对...之信仰(如宗教)。
- About 80% of the population profess Catholicism, followed profess Christianity, Judaism and Islam. 大约80%25的人口,明明的天主教信奉基督教、犹太教、伊斯兰教。
- Professing Christianity, he had little compassion in his make-up. 他号称信奉基督教,却没有什么慈悲心肠。
- Yet it is admirable to profess because it was once admirable to live. 然而教授是可羡的,因为教授的生活是可羡的。
- Can you say, as a professing Christian, that you live up to this idea? 你敢诚实地说,你就是为耶稣而活?
- So-called religious fanatics typically have a shallow understanding of the religion they claim to profess or may (mis)use religion to mask their political ambitions. 宗教狂热分子通常对他们的信仰不甚了了,有一些则是利用宗教来掩饰政治目的。
- He is a recent convert to Christianity. 他最近改信基督教了。
- The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly. 当你感觉怯懦的时候,最勇敢的行为是不露声色,勇往直前。
- She was converted to Christianity. 她已皈依基督教。
- What good is it, my brothers and sisters, to profess faith without showing works? 我的弟兄们,若有人说自己有信德,却没有行为,有什麽益处?
- Father, we long to profess You this day, not only in our words but in our every action. 父啊,我们今天衷心地想不仅口里承认您,而且还要以行为来承认您。
- He used to profess that Christ inhabited in his heart.Suddenly this turned upside-down. 他曾公开宣称基督住在他的心中,没想到突然之间,这就被完全颠覆了。
- The first degree of fooly is to hold one's self wise,the second to profess it,the third to depise counsel. 愚蠢的第一级是自以为聪明;第二级是自称为聪明;到第三级就是听不进忠告.
- They professed Christianity. 他们宣称信仰基督教。
- In knowledge, he identifies himself with the Truth and is not afraid to profess, nor does he indulge in the double standards of life. 在知识上,他认同于绝对真理,他不怕这样承认,在生活上也不会有双重的标准。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?