- to pass troops in review 让军队通过接受检阅
- The officers passed their troops in review before the general. 在阅兵大典中,军官指挥他们的部队经过将军面前接受检阅
- The general passed the troops in review. 将军检阅了部队。
- Our general passed the troops in review. 我们的将军检阅了部队。
- The general passed the troops in review . 将军检阅了部队。
- He studied hard in an attempt to pass the exam. 他努力学习试图通过考试。
- Then the chemistry of vision could begin to work, and they would troop in review across his mind, each, by contrast, multiplying Ruth's glories. 跟着,视觉的神秘作用活动起来,她们就会象受检阅似的列队通过他的脑海,相形之下,每一个人都使罗丝越发显得光辉灿烂。
- Squads chose themselves leaders;a man armed with a pair of pistols in full view, seemed to pass the host in review, and the files separated before him. 有些小队推选他们的领头人,有一个人,毫不隐讳地佩着两支手枪,好象是在检阅他的队伍,那队人便在他前面离开了送葬行列。
- It is a vulgar, but still a useful help towards contempt of death, to pass in review those who have tenaciously stuck to life. 来审视一下那些顽强地执着于生的人,这对我们鄙视死亡不无益处,尽管鄙陋。
- A long line of car is unable to pass that road hog. 一长串的车子无法超越那个挡道的汽车驾驶。
- People who live in towns are often too busy to pass the time of day. 在城里生活的人往往忙碌得连寒暄都顾不上。
- He made motions to me to pass the pen. 他向我打手势,要我把钢笔递给他。
- He has to lead his troops in retreat. 只好带军队撤退。
- She stopped by just to pass the time of day. 她来串门只是为了打发时间。
- The troops have been formed up in review order. 部队已被排成检阅队形。
- Troops in support were sent to the battle front. 后援部队被派赴前线。
- They chose to pass over her rude remarks. 他们对她的粗话不予理会。
- The troops have formed up in review order. 部队已排成检阅队形。
- He repeatedly fails to pass the exam. 他考了多次都不及格。
- She is sure to pass the examination. 她一定会通过考试。